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History of the Cinema, 1895-1940: Microform Collection

Cinema Studies

Image of film projector, early television cameraman, a movie theater in California at mid-century, a Panavision camera, and a filmmaker with an earlier camera that uses 16mm film

History of the Cinema, 1895-1940

History of the cinema 1895-1940 [microform]. Alexandria, Va.: Chadwyck-Healey, 1987.


Van Pelt Microforms: Microfiche 736


3900 microfiches. [Chadwyck-Healey catalog: 3574 microfiche]. Printed guide, "Handlist of titles"


Microfiche collection of 1,253 books, pamphlets, and some annuals forming "a wide-ranging selection of the world's most significant movie books and pamphlets published before 1940". Subjects covered range from "contemporary studies in the sociology of the cinema to Hollywood novels, biographies of stars and how-to books on screenwriting. They record the history of the cinema from its birth, through the coming of sound and into its most brilliant and formative years and include many titles that would be difficult or impossible to acquire today."


Items are arranged alphabetically by main entry, i.e., personal name or corporate name author or, when item lacks author, title.


The history of cinema 1895-1940: handlist of titles
[Van Pelt Microforms: Microfiche 736 guide]
Lists all titles included in the microfiche set, following the microfiche set's arrangement. Entries provide author, title, place and date of publication, serial number of microfiche and fiche count.


Chadwyck-Healey indicates "cataloging records available on tape in LC MARC format", but neither OCLC WorldCat nor RLIN/Eureka BIB file hold records indicating inclusion in this microfiche set.


Individual titles reproduced in this set are not listed in Franklin. However, original or reprint editions in the library's general or special collections will be listed in FRANKLIN and/or the main card catalog.
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