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Using Articles+


Content in the Summon index comes from  many different sources. Using information from all of the sources, Articles+ maps Disciplines via the Subject Term and Call Number fields in the overall index. Disciplines are mapped at the individual item-level and items may potentially have one or more Disciplines mapped to them.  As new content is indexed in Summon, it is assigned to a Discipline, as long there is an existing Discipline match.  Newspaper articles do not have disciplines, nor do many other items of various content types that do not match with a discipline. These disciplines can be use to narrow a results set. 

 Subject terms in individual records are mapped to disciplines in two ways:

  • Subject Terms in a record that have an exact match to a discipline name
  • HILCC (Hierarchical Interface to Library of Congress Classification) taxonomy

Call numbers for book records are mapped to Disciplines using the Library of Congress Call Number, Dewey Number, or National Library of Medicine (NLM Classification).

Some disciplines are: Agriculture | Anatomy & Physiology | Anthropology | Applied Sciences | Architecture | Astronomy & Astrophysics | Biology | Botany | Business | Chemistry | Computer Science | Dance | Dentistry | Diet & Clinical Nutrition | Drama | Ecology | Economics | Education | Engineering | Environmental Sciences | Film | Forestry | Geography | Geology | Government | History & Archaeology | Human Anatomy & Physiology | International Relations | Journalism & Communications | Languages & Literatures | Law | Library & Information Science | Mathematics | Medicine | Meteorology & Climatology | Military & Naval Science | Music | Nursing | Occupational Therapy & Rehabilitation | Oceanography | Parapsychology & Occult Sciences | Pharmacy, Therapeutics, & Pharmacology | Philosophy | Physical Therapy | Physics | Political Science | Psychology | Public Health | Recreation & Sports | Religion | Sciences | Social Sciences | Social Welfare & Social Work | Sociology & Social History | Statistics | Veterinary Medicine | Visual Arts | Women's Studies | Zoology

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