Basic Search
Choose the "Research Topic" option under explore and references. This is the default search method when Scifinder is started
You can use the Boolean operators " AND, OR, or NOT" or write the query as a phrase.
Instead of using the Boolean OR, try using parenthesis. Instead of "antibiotics OR medicine" try:
antibiotics (medicine)
Instead of using the Boolean "AND" try using "of"
"Of" can be used more easily in a natural language phrase
"Of" also generates close association, (the words must be near each other)
Scifinder is designed for the use of "Natural Language", as opposed to any specific keywords or artificial command prompts
Don't use Quotation marks or parentheses to group a phrase, Scifinder views parentheses as a Boolean OR, and does not recognize quotation marks
Note: the above works for advanced searches as well
Select the Advanced Search option under the search bar
Selecting the Limiters
Choose your references
close associations
Choose what you would like to analyze the results by:
Choose one or more limiters to analyze the results by
Note: Analyze cannot function with more than 20,000 results, limit the search more
Refine by document type: Limits your search to one or more types of documents, such as patents, journal articles, conference papers, etc.
Refine by language: It is possible to select more than one language at a time
Refine by publication year: Helpful if you are looking for either the most recent or the oldest information on a particular topic or a specific time period.
Refine by company name: Search only for references whose authors are associated with a particular institution. Example; University of Pennsylvania
Refine by database: Only CAPLUS, MEDLINE, CHEMZENT are available
Categorizing References*: The Categorize feature allows you to divide your references into categories based on Chemical Abstracts index terms. *This feature is only enabled when your answer set is fewer than 15,000 search results.*
The default for categories is equivalent to a Boolean "OR" between the index terms, to use a Boolean ''AND" (require both index terms) you have to select each category and index term separately
After clicking "Get References" this will lead you to a list of articles that meet your search criteria. Each article will list the title, authors, citation information and part of an abstract. You can also remove any duplicate articles by clicking on the Remove Duplicates link which is highlighted in blue towards the top of the screen. You can link to the abstract and any images associated with the article using the You can also link to the full text of the article from this page by clicking on the full text icon beneath the citation or on the blue hyperlink of the article. If the Full text link is not available try using the
link. This may take you outside of Scifinder to reach the article your looking for.
Quick View example
Full Text example
Select the relevant options from the alternative spelling of authors name
3. After clicking Get References you can use the tools on the left side of the page to analyze, refine or catagorize the results as you would a research topic search.
Screen shots throughout this guide are taken from SciFinder and are used with permission from CAS. Copyright 2020 American Chemical Society, all rights reserved.