Log in at canvas.upenn.edu using your PennKey and password.
Teaching in PennLaw? Go to: https://mycourses.law.upenn.edu/ to access your course sites.
We strong encourage you to subscribe to the Canvas at Penn website for updates, tips, and other information about Canvas at the University of Pennsylvania.
We also recommend that you follow Canvas at Penn on Twitter: @CanvasPenn
Here are a few tips to help you get started with Canvas.
1. Create a Course Site. If you haven't requested your site yet, now's the time! It's easy! Use the Canvas Site Request Form. If it's your first time requesting a site, see these instructions first:
2. Get Help.
3. Publish Your Site. Students are added to Canvas course sites automatically, but they can't access course content until the site is published. Just click the Publish button when you are ready!
Questions? Email us at canvas@pobox.upenn.edu, or contact your local support provider.