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LAPOP: Latin American Public Opinion Project microdata

LAPOP Overview

LAPOP, the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University, began conducting public opinion polls in Latin American countries with a 1973 poll for Costa Rica. LAPOP's principal survey topics are democracy, governance, citizen security, the rule of law, economic well-being, social inclusion, political tolerance.

LAPOP's core polling project is the AmericasBarometer, a biennial survey of citizen experiences, evaluations and preferences first conducted in 2004. The AmericasBarometer survey is conducted throughout the Western Hemisphere. The 2016/2017 AmericasBarometer wave surveyed 29 countries in North America (including the United States), the Caribbean, Central America, and South America, with more than 43,000 respondents.

LAPOP datasets available to Penn students, faculty, and staff are the microdata datasets from the AmericasBarometer, 2004-present, and from pre-2004 LAPOP polls of Latin American countries and Madagascar. See below for access information and links to datasets. These microdata datasets contain the questionnaire responses of individual poll respondents: the datasets require statistical processing software and they are presented in text dat, SPSS sav, and Stata dta file formats.

Reports by LAPOP researchers including the AmericasBarometer Insights brief series are provided on the LAPOP website. Technical information documents for the pre-2004 microdata datasets cite reports produced from those polls: these will be listed on the LAPOP website under "Reports : Studies by Country".

Appropriate use of LAPOP microdata datasets

These microdata datasets contain survey responses from individuals. It is important to understand appropriate use for these datasets.

1. You will use the data for research purposes only. No commercial use is allowed.

2. You may not distribute or electronically post the data, and may not make it available to any third party at your own institution or anywhere else. Replication requests should refer to the LAPOP websites where the data can be downloaded. Authors should provide syntax/code that allows for replication of their analyses. Authors are not permitted to transfer LAPOP-obtained data sets to third parties, even journals, as that would violate the terms of the "click license."

3. All LAPOP data sets distributed via this agreement have been collected in conformance with U.S. Federal Human Subjects Protection regulations, as implemented by the Vanderbilt University Institutional Review Board. Furthermore, the data being distributed are "deidentified," such that users of the survey data should not be able to identify any individual who responded to the surveys. All U.S. institutions and users who obtain a User Subscription from LAPOP are expected to do so in complete conformity with applicable Federal human subjects protection rules. Other users should respect the principles of these U.S. regulations in every respect.

I agree that the data and other materials provided by LAPOP are to be used solely for statistical analysis and reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations. By agreeing to the data use agreement, you are providing assurance that such uses of statistical data will conform to widely-accepted standards of practice and legal restrictions that are intended to protect the confidentiality of research subjects. Any intentional identification or disclosure of a person or establishment violates the assurances of confidentiality given to the the respondents in the surveys. Therefore, I agree: To use these datasets solely for statistical analysis and reporting of aggregated information, and not for investigation of specific individuals or organizations To make no use of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently, and to advise LAPOP immediately of any such discovery.

4. We also ask that all users include the following acknowledgement in their research and publications: "These data were supplied by the Latin American Public Opinion Project at Vanderbilt University, which takes no responsibility for any interpretation of the data."

LAPOP public opinion poll microdata, 2004-present

LAPOP Datasets (via LAPOP website, Vanderbilt University

Public opinion poll microdata for individual countries, conducted biennially for 2004-present. Datasets are delivered in several ways:

  • Single-country single-year survey wave datasets.
  • Single-year survey wave datasets merged for all countries.
  • Cross-time and cross-national merged datasets for survey waves 2004 through 2014.

Each dataset is provided in SPSS sav and Stata dta formats, with accompanying documentations - codebooks, questionnaires/telephone scripts, and technical information - in PDF format.

LAPOP public opinion poll microdata, pre-2004

Each country-year LAPOP ZIP archive contains:

  • Three versions of the public opinion poll microdata dataset: Text dat, SPSS sav, and Stata dta formats. Some ZIP archives may contain more than one dataset for the country-year.
  • PDF technical information document, describing the dataset, sampling and weighting methodology, and related literature.
  • PDF questionnaire, typically in the dominant local language, e.g., Spanish or French.


Country Year Title File Sample size/nature
Bolivia 1998 The political culture of democracy in Bolivia 1998

2,977 respondents. National sample, including 500 respondents from municipalities where USAID supported Bolivian government's Democracy Development and Citizen Participation program.

2000 The political culture of democracy in Bolivia 2000 3,006 respondents. National sample, including 900 respondents from municipalities where USAID supported Bolivian government's Democracy Development and Citizen Participation program.
2002 Democracy audit Bolivia 2002 3,016 respondents. National sample, including 900 respondents from municipalities where USAID supported Bolivian government's Democracy Development and Citizen Participation program.
2003 (a) Bolivia 2003 : The National Congress
(b) Bolivia 2003 : Prosecutors
(c) Bolivia 2003 : Judges (a) 142 respondents. Sample of national legislators.
(b) 96 respondents. Sample of district attorneys (fiscales).
(c) 459 respondents. Sample of judges.
Colombia 2001 Colombia 2001 : Study of 4 large cities 2,388 respondents. Sample from Bogotá, Medellín, Cali, and Barranquilla cities.
El Salvador 1991 (a) LAPOP El Salvador 1991 Elite Study
(b) El Salvador 1991 : National Study
(c) El Salvador Mass 1991 (a) 63 respondents. Sample of national legislators (i.e., political elites).
(b) 910 respondents. Sample of adults in greater San Salvador.
(c) 1,240 respondents. Sample not known.
1993 El Salvador 1993 : Land Tenure Study 1,161 respondents. Adult small landholders, mainly in rural areas.
1995 El Salvador, From War to Peace. A Political Culture in Transition, 1995 1,600 respondents. National sample, with 200 respondents from areas known to have high concentrations of FMLN respondents.
1999 Democracy Audit : El Salvador, 1999 Not available (a) 2,900 respondents. Multiple samples: National; San Salvador metropolitan area; municipalities where USAID operates communitarian development projects.
(b) 1450, Sample not known.
Guatemala 1992 Guatemala 1992 : National Study 904 respondents. National sample of voting-age adults in urban areas.
1993 The Democratic Culture of Guatemalans (a) 1,197 respondents. National sample.
(b) 1,397 respondents. National sample + additional 200 indigenous respondents.
1995 Guatemalan Values and the Prospects for Democratic Development Second Report (a) 1,192 respondents. National sample.
(b) 1,392 respondents. National sample + additional 200 indigenous respondents.
1997 Guatemala 1997 : National Study. (a) 1,200 respondents. National sample of adults.
(b) 1,400 respondents. National sample of adults + additional 200 indigenous respondents.
1998 (a) Guatemala November 1998 (b) Guatemala June 1998 (a) 1,400 respondents. National sample of voting-age adults.
(b) 1,400 respondents. Sample not known.
1999 The Democratic Culture of Guatemalans 1,200 respondents. National sample.
2001 Guatemala 2001 : National Study 1,670 respondents. National sample of voting-age adults.
Honduras 1983 Honduras 1983 : Land Titling Survey Not available 767 respondents. Sample of small landowners.
1985 Honduras 1985 : Land Titling Study Panel Sample Not available 767 respondents. Panel of small landowners from Honduras 1983 : Land Titling Survey.
1991 Honduras 1991 : Primate City Study (a) 566 respondents. Sample drawn from metropolitan Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.
(b) 18 respondents. Elites sample.
2001 Governance and Transparency in Honduras after Hurricane Mitch 3,000 respondents. National sample.
Madagascar 2005 Madagascar 2005 Combined dataset from two populations:
(a) 3,300 respondents. National sample of noninstitutionalized voting-aged adults.
(b) 900 respondents. Sample of public sector employees.
Mexico 1978 Mexico 1978 : Border Industrialization Program 839 respondents. Sample of maquiladora workers in Mexicali, Agua Prieta, Nogales, Ciudad Acuña, Ciudad Juárez, and San Luis Colorado.
1979 Mexico 1979 : Guadalajara, Mexico 430 respondents. Sample of residents in Guadalajara
Venezuela 1995 Venezuela 1995 897 respondents. Sample of adult residents in Caracas and Maracaibo urban areas
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