Screen shots on this page are reproduced from the Knovel Engineering & Scientific Online Reference Books ( and are copyright 2016 the Knovel Corporation.
Knovel ( is a set of online monographs and reference books in many areas of science and engineering. It can be used early in the research process to become aware of general safety information for particular activities, processes, and substances, as well as later in research to learn more specifics about substances.
There are several ways that you can find health, safety, and hazards information using Knovel.
This method allows you to see all of the books specifically relating to chemical health and safety that are available through the Knovel interface. Once you have located a book that interests you, you can click on its title to be taken to its table of contents, from which you can begin to explore the individual title. Using the breadcrumbs at the top of the screen will allow you to easy backwards stepwise navigation.
- General References
- Industrial Hygiene
- Industrial Safety
- Toxic Substances
- Fire Safety & Firefighting
- Radiation
Books are arranged alphabetically. Some of these items may be described elsewhere in this guide.
Using the Search Knovel box on the Knovel home page allows you to search for terms within the conference proceedings and full text of books in the collection. This will help you find books that contain chapters or sections on chemical health and safety, although the book itself may be devoted to a different topic. The Knovel search box uses an automatical Boolean AND operator between terms, so all of the terms you input will be found in the results. You are able to use manual Boolean logic (AND, OR, NOT) to create a more advanced search, as well as the asterisk (*) to stem/truncate terms.
The Material Property Search in Knovel allows you to find specific information about substances that you identify or to profile substances by their properties. To access it, click the Property Search link from the Knovel home page or any Knovel page, followed by the Open Material Property Search tab in the pop-up window. Once there, you can build your query by identifying the substances and properties that are of interest to you.