Franklin: Catalog & Articles+ searches both Franklin: Catalog for materials held by Penn Libraries and Franklin: Articles+ for content in many bibliographic databases and full-text resources.
E51-61 PreColumbian America
E71 North America (north of Mexico)
E73-74 Mound Builders. Indians of North America
E75-E77 (Periodicals, Collections, Dictionaries, Directories, Guide to Tribes, Study and Teaching, Research, Historiography, General Works)
E78 (By state, province, or region, A-Z)
E81-87 (Indian Wars and captivities)
E89-90 (Biography)
E91-93 (Government relations)
E95 Treaties
E96-97 (Education)
E98 (By special topic, A-Z) e.g., E98.A7 = Art; E98.E2 = Economic Conditions; E98.R3 = Religion, Mythology; E98. S Social life and customs; E98 .W8, Women
E99 (By tribe, A-Z) e.g., E99. C6 = Chippewa (Ojibway) Indians
K Law