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Click on GIDEON
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GIDEON is the acronym for:
Global Infectious Diseases and Epidemiology Online Network
It is a dynamic database that provides up to date information on infectious diseases and pharmaceuticals, to include vaccines. There are also diagnostic tools for microbe identification in the laboratory as well as for clinical differential diagnoses in patients. Users can explore disease profiles in different countries, and even compare/contrast data sets amongst the countries.
Epidemiological data going back to 1348 AD, covering 230+ countries and territories
Over 25,000+ outbreaks, 35,000+ graphs, and 82,000+ surveys
Interactive tools to:
Identify 2,000+ pathogens
Diagnose and compare 360+ infectious diseases
Explore the properties of 30,000+ trade names of drugs and vaccines
Click here and log-in to see updates made to the GIDEON database in the last 48 hours
Check out this short video to learn how to use some of the features of GIDEON.