Search the Franklin catalog for your book. Make sure you are logged in to your account (upper right-hand corner of screen). Select the “Show/Hide Availability Details” button directly below your title. Select the "Scan & Deliver" link found on the item record. A request form will appear. Enter the chapter/article title and page numbers needed and submit. Due to vendor and copyright agreements, we can only provide 50 pages at most.
Whole Book or Journal Volume
Search the Franklin catalog for your book. Make sure you are logged in to your account (upper right-hand corner of screen. Select the “Show/Hide Availability Details” button directly below your title. Select the "Request" link found on the item record, then select the "Dental Medicine Library" as your pick up location.
Requesting Material Not Owned by the Penn Library System
Check Franklin to confirm that we don't have a copy of the book in our Penn Library system.
Use BorrowDirect or E-ZBorrow to instantly send a request for an item to a participating institution
Use Interlibrary Loan for items unavailable in BorrowDirect or E-ZBorrow