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Germanic Languages & Literatures: Germanic MA Reading List

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Germanic MA Reading List

The Germanic MA Reading List includes works that the Graduate Program in Germanic Languages & Literatures recommends for new incoming graduate students.

Many different versions of these works may exist. This page describes the different formats and translations available through the Penn Libraries, including print, e-books, original texts, English translations, audio books, and films.

There are images of book covers, links, and details about e-book editions available. Some works may not be available as e-books.

1. Gottfried von Strassburg, Tristan


German. Editions include Schwabe's critical edition, eds. Tomasek & Schäfer (2023), Deutsche Klassiker Verlag, eds. Haug & Schultz (2021), S. Fischer, ed. Kuhn (2003), and Reclam's Universal-Bibliothek, Nr. 4471-4473 (1996). 

English. Translations of Tristan into English: Weston (1898), Zeydel (1948), Hatto (1960, rev. in 1967), and a 2nd revised version of Hatto, ed. Gentry from Continuum's German Library series (1988). 


German. The original Middle High German, ed. Marold, Bd. 1 (De Gruyter, 2016) and the modern German translation and introduction, Bd. 2. Other editions include: ed. Massman (Göschen, 1843; reprint 2019), ed. Maurer (De Gruyter, 1986; reprint 2014)

English. Editions include ed. Whobury (Hackett, 2020), Weston (D. Nutt, 1899; 3rd printing, 1907)

Film & Performance

EnglishTristan + Isolde (Kevin Reynolds, 2006). DVD.

OperaTristan und Isolde, Met Opera on Demand, 2016.

2. Poems by Hartmann von Aue and Der von Kuerenberg from the Codex Manesse


German. Hartmann von Aue: Gregorius, Der arme Heinrich, Iwein, hrsg. Merkens (Deutsche Klassiker Verlag, 2004). Reclam has dual Middle High German/New High German editions: Erec (Reclam, 2008), Iwein (Reclam, 2011). Gregorius, hrsg. Paul & Wachinger (M. Niemeyer, 2004). Der arme Heinrich (Hanser, 2003).

Der von Kürenberg: Der von Kürenberg : edition, notes and commentary / Gayle Agler-Beck. (John Benjamins, 1978). This edition has English and Middle High German.

English. Arthurian romances, tales, and lyric poetry: the complete works of Hartmann von Aue / translated with commentary by Frank Tobin, Kim Vivian, Richard H. Lawson. (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001). Erec, trans. Resler (Penn Press, 1987).


German. Hartmann von Aue: Erec (De Gruyter, 2012). Iwein (De Gruyter, 2021). Gregorius (De Gruyter, 2020). Der arme Heinrich, hrsg. Maurer (De Gruyter, 2019). Many other online editions are available through the De Gruyter eBooks Complete (De Gruyter Book Archive).

Der von Kürenberg: Der von Kürenberg : edition, notes and commentary / Gayle Agler-Beck. (J. Benjamins B.V., 1978)

English. Arthurian romances, tales, and lyric poetry: the complete works of Hartmann von Aue / translated with commentary by Frank Tobin, Kim Vivian, Richard H. Lawson. (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2001)

The University Library at Heidelberg has a digital facsimile of Codex Manesse.

3. Mechthild. Das fließende Licht der Gottheit (excerpts).


German. Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit / Mechthild von Magdeburg, hrsg. Vollmann-Profe. (Deutsche Klassiker Verlag, 2003).

Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit / Mechthild von Magdeburg; trans. Margot Schmidt. (fromman-holzboog, 1995). A second, revised edition of the original Schmidt from 1955.

Mechthild von Magdeburg, "Das fliessende Licht der Gottheit": nach der Einsiedler Handschrift in kritischem Vergleich mit der gesamten Überlieferung / hrsg. Hans Neumann. (Artemis, 1990)

EnglishThe flowing light of the Godhead / Mechthild of Magdeburg; trans. Frank Tobin. (Paulist Press, 1998)

Flowing light of the divinity / Mechthild von Magdeburg; trans. Mesch Galvani; ed. Clark. (Garland, 1991)


German. The original Middle High German with modern German translation, available through the Bibliothek des Mittelalters series in Deutsche KlassikerDas fliessende Licht der Gottheit / Mechthild von Magdeburg, hrsg. Vollmann-Profe. (Chadwyck-Healey, 2004)

English. The revelations of Mechthild of Magdeburg (1210-1297); or, The flowing light of the Godhead, trans. Menzies. (Longmans, Green and Co., 1953). Available through the Internet Archive.

4. Brandt, Das Narrenschiff


German. Das Narrenschiff : nach der Erstausgabe (Basel 1494) [...] / hrsg. Manfred Lemmer. (Niemeyer, 2004).

Das Narrenschiff : Faksimile der Erstausgabe Basel 1494 mit dem Nachwort von Franz Schultz (Strassburg 1912) / hrsg. Dieter Wuttke. (Koerner, 1994). Reprint of the original published by Trübner, 1913.

Das Narrenschiff / Sebastian Brant. (Röderberg, 1980).

English. The ship of fools / translated by Alexander Barclay. (AMS Press, 1966)

The ship of fools. / Translated into rhyming couplets with an introd. and commentary by Edwin H. Zeydel, with reproductions of the original woodcuts. (Dover, 1962)


GermanDas Narrenschiff / Sebastian Brant; hrsg. von Franz Schultz. (De Gruyter Mouton, 2015). This is a facsimile of the first edition from 1494.

English. The ship of fools / translated into rhyming couplets with an introduction and commentary by Edwin H. Zeydel ; with reproductions of the original woodcuts. (ACLS Humanities E-Book, 2012).

The ship of fools / trans. Alexander Barclay, ed. Jamieson. (D. Appleton & Co., 1874). The digital version of this 2-volume edition is available in HathiTrust, and a physical is also part of the Furness Collection.

A 1509 edition from Early English Books Online (EEBO), which also includes illustrations of the woodcuts:

The shyppe of fooles. (Wynky[n] de worde prynter, 1509). This early book was printed for Princess Margarete, Countess of Richmond and Derby. 

A 1570 edition, also from Early English Books Online (EEBO): [The Ship of Fooles]. (John Cawood, 1570).

digital Latin edition from 1498 is available from Early European Books.

5. Luther, “Von der Freyheit eines Christenmenschen.”


German. Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen = De libertate christiana / Reinhold Rieger. Comparison of the Latin and German versions of Martin Luther's text.

An den christlichen Adel deutscher Nation: Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen / Sendbrief vom Dolmetschen, hrsg. Kähler. (Reclam, 1962)

English. The essential Luther / ed. Helfferich. (Hackett, 2018). Includes this as "On the freedom of a Christian (1520)."

On the freedom of a Christian / by Doctor Martin Luther, written A.D. 1520 in Wittenberg; a Group Reading Guide prepared by Michael T Grzonka, Ph.D. (Clocktower Consulting, LLC, 2016)

The freedom of a Christian, 1520 / Timothy J. Wengert. (Fortress Press, 2016). This is an excerpt with addtional commentary from the following: The annotated Luther, eds. Hillerbrand, Stjerna, & Wengert. (Fortress Press, 2015)

Find additional English translations with a title search for: Tractatus de libertate Christiana. English.


German. Included in: Seminar Geschichte. Reformation / Nicole Grochowina. (De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2019).

Von der Freiheit eines Christenmenschen. Projekt "Freiheit2017," Evangelischer Bund (2024).

EnglishModern History Sourcebook: Martin Luther: On the Freedom of a Christian. Internet History Sourcebooks Project, ed. Paul Halsall, History Department, Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies. (1996-2024)

6. Gryphius, "Es ist alles eitel"


German. Deutsche Dichtung des Barock, hrsg. Hederer. (Hanser, 1961).

Dichtung, Religion und Gesellschaft im 17. Jahrhundert: die Sonnete des Andreas Gryphius / Wolfram Mauser. (W. Fink, 1976).

English. The sonnets of Andreas Gryphius, use of the poetic word in the seventeenth century / Marvin S. Schindler. (University of Florida Press, 1971).


German. "Es ist alles eitel." Available at: (2024).

Gryphius-Handbuch, hrsg. Kaminski & Schütze. (De Gruyter, 2016). See II.4.1 Sonette by Thomas Borgstedt.

English.  Gryphius, Andreas. (August 11, 2007) "[No Comment]: Two Poems by Andreas Gryphius," Harpers Magazine. "All is Vanity," trans. Scott Horton. Available at: 

"It's all vain," trans. Lane Jennings. Available at: (2011)

7. Grimmelshausen, Lebensbeschreibung der Erzbetrügerin und Landstörzerin Courasche


German. Werke, 3.Bd. / [Grimmelshausen, Hans Jakob Christoph von], hrsg. Streller. (Volksverlag Weimar, 1960)

English. The life of Courage / Johann Jakob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen; trans. Mike Mitchell. (Dedalus, 2015)


German. Werke. I, 2 / Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen; hrsg. Breuer. (Chadwyck-Healey/ProQuest, 2003). From the series Bibliothek der frühen Neuzeit, in Deutsche Klassiker.

English. Courage, The Adventuress and The False Messiah / Hans Jacob Christoffel von Grimmelshausen. (Princeton University Press, 2015). From the Princeton Legacy Library series in the De Gruyter University Press Library, in De Gruyter eBooks Complete.

8. Lessing, Nathan der Weise


German. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Nathan der Weise / von Peter von Düffel. (Reclam, 1998).

Nathan der Weise / G.E. Lessing; ed. David Hill. (New German Studies, German Dept., Hull University, 1988). German text with intro and critical essays in English.

English. Nathan the wise / Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; ed. Edward Kemp. (Nick Hern Books, 2003)

Nathan the Wise: with related documents / by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing; trans. & ed., Ronald Schechter. (Bedford/St.Martin's, 2004)


German. Nathan der Weise. Lessing, Gotthold Ephraim, 1729-1781.  In Werke und Briefe in zwölf Bänden. Band 9. Werke 1778-1780,  483-627. (Suhrkamp, 1993). This volume is part of the Digitale Bibliothek Deutscher Klassiker.

There are numerous 19th-century copies in German in De Gruyter eBooks Complete, most of which are editions printed in German script.

English. Nathan the Wise; a dramatic poem in five acts, ed. Morley, trans. Taylor. (Cassell & Company, 1893). Available at:

Nathan the wise: A Philosophical Drama; trans. Raspe. (printed for J. Fielding, No 23, Pater-Noster-Row, 1781). This digital text is part of Eighteenth Century Collections Online I (ECCO).

Lessing's Nathan the Wise, trans. R. Dillon Boylan, ed. Ernest Bell. (McKay, 1901). This digital copy is from an original at Princeton University and available through HathiTrust. Available at:

9. Kant: „Beantwortung der Frage: Was ist Aufklärung?“ and Mendelssohn: „Über die Frage: was heißt aufklären?“ (Reclam Universal-Bibliothek Nr. 9714)


German. Was ist Aufklärung?: Thesen und Definitionen / Kant ... [and others]; hrsg. Ehrhard Bahr. (Reclam, 1996).

English. Basic writings of Kant, ed.Allen W. Wood. (Modern Library, 2001).

Foundations of the metaphysics of morals, and What is enlightenment?; trans. Lewis White Beck. (Liberal Arts Press, 1959).

What Is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions / James Schmidt. (University of California, 1996).


German. Was ist Aufklärung?: Aufsätze zur Geschichte und Philosophie; ed. Zehbe. (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1967). Digital copy is available through Digi20, a digital archive of humanities and social sciences books that is a project of the state library of Bavaria (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, BSB). 

English. What Is Enlightenment?: Eighteenth-Century Answers and Twentieth-Century Questions / James Schmidt. (University of California Press, 1996). 

10. Goethe, Faust I


German. Faust / Johann Wolfgang Goethe; hrsg. Albrecht Schöne. (Deutscher Klassiker Verlag, 2017).

Faust: eine Tragödie (1808) / Goethe; ed. Karl Heinrich Hucke. (Aschendorff, 2008). Historical-critical edition with commentary.

Faust: eine Tragödie, erster und zweiter Teil / Johann Wolfgang Goethe. (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1977).

English. Faust, a tragedy, part I / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; trans. Eugene Stelzig. (Bucknell University Press, 2019)

Faust I & II / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe ; ed. & trans. Stuart Atkins. (Princeton University Press, 2014).

Goethe's Faust: parts I and II: an abridged version; trans. Louis MacNeice. (Oxford University Press, 1951).


German. Faust: Eine Tragödie / Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. (J.G. Cotta, 1808). Available through Project Gutenberg at:

English. Faust: a tragedy in two parts / by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe; trans. Thomas Wayne. (Algora, 2016).

The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust.' / H. B. Cotterill.  (Ballantyne & Company, Ltd., 1912). Available through Project Gutenburg at:


Faust / Proline Film; dir. Alexander Sokurov. (Kino Lorber, 2014). DVD. In German, with optional English subtitles.

11. E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der Sandmann


German. Der Sandmann = The sandman / E.T.A. Hoffmann; ed.  & trans., Jolyon Timothy Hughes. (Hamilton Books, 2020). This is a bilingual edition, but with the original German and critical essays.

Der Sandmann / E.T.A. Hoffmann; ed. Peter Braun. (Suhrkamp, 2003).

E.T.A. Hoffmann, Der Sandmann / von Rudolf Drux. (P. Reclam, 1994).

English. The golden pot: and other tales of the uncanny / E.T.A. Hoffmann; trans. Peter Wortsman. (Archipelago Books, 2023).

The Sandman / E. T. A. Hoffman; trans. Christopher Moncrieff. (Alma Classics, 2021).

The golden pot and other tales / E.T.A. Hoffmann; trans. Ritchie Robertson. (Oxford University Press, 2000).


German. Der Sandmann / E.T.A. Hoffmann. Virginia Commonwealth University. Available at:

English. Tales from the German, comprising specimens from the most celebrated authors / trans. Oxenford & Feiling. (Harper & Brothers, 1844). This HathiTrust digital copy includes "The Sandman" in English translation, p. 140.

The Sandman / E.T.A. Hoffmann. Virginia Commonwealth University. Available at:

12. Kleist, “Die Verlobung in St Domingo”


German. Sämtliche Werke und Briefe / Heinrich von Kleist; hrsg. Reuss & Staengle. (C. Hanser, 2010).

Das Erdbeben in Chili ; Die Marquise von O-- ; Die Verlobung in St. Domingo / Heinrich von Kleist. (Suhrkamp, 2009).

English. Selected writings / Heinrich von Kleist; ed. & trans. David Constantine. (J.M. Dent, 1997)

Six German romantic tales / Heinrich von Kleist, Ludwig Tieck, E.T.A. Hoffmann; trans. Ronald Taylor. (Dufour Editions, 1985)

Die Verlobung in St. Domingo: Kleist's novelle in translation and as a basis for opera and drama / Almute Wedekind. (P. Lang, 1983)


German. Sämtliche Werke und Briefe in vier Bänden. Band 3. Erzählungen/Anekdoten/Gedichte/Schriften. (Suhrkamp, 1990). Band 3 of this digital edition includes Die Verlobung in St. Domingo.

English. "The Engagement in St. Domingo" by Heinrich von Kleist (1811), trans. Ray. Prospero's Isle. Available at

Note: The 1997 Constantine translation, under Print above, is not available as an e-book, and it includes a translation, "Betrothal in St. Domingo," pp. 324-350 and available upon request to Penn students through the Penn Libraries scanning services. Go to the Franklin record, log in with your PennKey if necessary, select a copy of the book, and choose Request Scan.

Spoken Word

Die Verlobung in St. Domingo / Die heilige Cäcilie. (Naxos, 2000). Available through Naxos Spoken Word Library.


Die Verlobung in San Domingo. / Werner Egk; hrsg. Bayerische Staatsoper. (Orfeo, 1993). Streaming audio. Available through Naxos Music Library.

13. Droste-Hülshoff, Die Judenbuche


German. Die Judenbuche: ein Sittengemälde aus dem gebirgichten Westphalen / Annette von Droste-Hülshoff. (Suhrkamp, 1999)

Droste-Hülshoffs Werke in einem Band / hrsg. Rudolf Walbiner. (Aufbau, 1982). From the Bibliothek detuscher Klassiker series.

English. The Jews' beech tree : a moral portrait from mountainous Westphalia: new biographical findings, a critical introduction, and a translation of the original work / by Annette von Droste-Hulshoff, ed. & trans. Jolyon Timothy Hughes. (University Press of America, 2014)


German. Werke in einem Band; ed. Heselhaus. (Hanser, 1912). This digital copy is from an original at Indiana University and available through HathiTrust. Available at:

Die Judenbuche: ein Sittengemälde aus dem gebirgichten Westphalen. [n.d.] Available at

English. The Jews' Beech. Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe. Available at

The German classics of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries; masterpieces of German literature, ed. Kuno Francke, trans. Lilllie Winter. This digital copy is from an original at University of California and available through HathiTrust. Available at:

Spoken Word

Die Judenbuche. (Naxos, 1999). Available through Naxos Spoken Word Library.

14. Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen.


German. Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen / Heinrich Heine. (Suhrkamp, 2010).

Deutschland: ein Wintermärchen / Heinrich Heine; hrsg. Werner Bellmann. (Reclam, 2001)

Deutschland, ein Wintermärchen / Heinrich Heine; ed. Ursula Roth & Heidemarie Vahl. (J.B. Metzler, 1995)

English. Deutschland: a winter's tale / Heinrich Heine; trans. T.J. Reed. (Angel Books, 1997). Bilingual edition, with German and English on facing pages.

The complete poems of Heinrich Heine: a modern English version / by Hal Draper. (Suhrkamp/Insel, 1982)

Germany, a winter's tale, 1844; trans. Herman Salinger. (L.B. Fischer, 1944)



Deutschland: Ein Wintermärchen. [n.d.] Available at


Germany. A Winter's Tale; trans. Joseph Massaad. Available at

Spoken Word

Deutschland: Ein Wintermärchen. (2009). LibriVox. Available at

15. Fontane, Effi Briest.


German. Effi Briest: Roman / Theodor Fontane. (Suhrkamp, 2004)

Effi Briest: Roman / Theodor Fontane; hrsg. Christine Hehle. (Aufbau, 1998)

English. Effi Briest / Theodor Fontane; trans. Mike Mitchell (Oxford University Press, 2015).


German. Effi Briest / Thedor Fontane. (2004-2020). Project Gutenberg. Available at

English. Effi Briest / Theodor Fontane; trans. Mike Mitchell (Oxford University Press, 2020).

Effi Briest: Abridged, with biographical notes / Theodor Fontane; trans. William Cooper. (Duke Classics, 2012)

Effi Briest / Theodor Fontane; trans. William Cooper. (The Floating Press, 2010).

16. Schnitzler, Fräulein Else


German. Gesammelte Werke in drei Bänden / Arthur Schnitzler; hrsg. Hartmut Scheible. (Artemis & Winkler, 2002)

English. Fräulein Else / Arthur Schnitzler. (Pushkin, 2012)

Fräulein Else / Arthur Schnitzler; trans. F.H. Lyon. (Pushkin, 1998)

Fräulein Else; a novel, trans. Robert A. Simon. (Simon and Schuster, 1971). This is a reprint of the original Simon translation from 1925.


German. Fräulein Else: Novelle / Arthur Schnitzler. (P. Zsolnay, 1924). Digital copies are from originals at University of Michigan and University of California and available through HathiTrust. Available at

English. Fräulein Else; a novel / Arthur Schnitzler. (Simon and Schuster, 1925). This digital copy is from University of Michigan and available through HathiTrust. Available at

17. Kafka, Die Verwandlung


German. Die Verwandlung / Franz Kafka. (Suhrkamp, 1999)

There is a graphic novel version of Die Verwandlung:

Die Verwandlung von Franz Kafka / Text, Corbeyran; Zeichnung, Horne; Deutsche Adaption, Kai Wilksen. (Knesebeck, 2010)


The metamorphosis: a new translation, texts and contexts, criticism / Franz Kafka; trans. Susan Bernofsky; ed. Mark M. Anderson. (W.W. Norton & Company, 2016).

The metamorphosis = Die Verwandlung / Franz Kafka; trans. Willa and Edwin Muir. (Schocken Books, 1968). This is a bilingual English and German edition.



Die Verwandlung. (Kurt Wolff, 1917). Project Gutenberg. This edition is also available from HathiTrust.


The metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka; ed. James Whitlark. (Salem Press, 2012)

Spoken Word.

Die Verwandlung. (Naxos, 2003). Available through Naxos Spoken Word Library.

18. Mann, Der Tod in Venedig


German. Der Tod in Venedig: Erzählungen / Thomas Mann. (S. Fischer, 2000)

Der Tod in Venedig / von Thomas Mann. (S. Fischer, 1998)


Death in Venice: complete, authoritative text with biographical and historical contexts, critical history, and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives, ed. Naomi Ritter. (Bedford Books, 1998)

Death in Venice: a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism / Thomas Mann; trans. & ed. Clayton Koelb. (W.W. Norton, 1994)



Der Tod in Venedig / Paul Thomas Mann. (Booklassic, 2015). Project Gutenberg.

English. On order.

Spoken Word

Death in Venice, trans. by Kenneth Burke. (2021). LibriVox. Available at


Death in Venice / Warner Bros. Pictures; (dir. Luchino Visconti, 1971). DVD. This is the Criterion Collection DVD release from 2019.

19. Isaac Leybush Peretz, “Monish”


Yiddish. Yiddish originals of Peretz are in the collection of the Library at the Katz Center and in Franklin, the Penn Libraries catalog.

English. The I.L. Peretz Reader / Harry Y. Gamble, ed. Ruth R. Wisse. (Yale University Press, 2002). Part of the New Yiddish Library series.


English. The I.L. Peretz Reader / Harry Y. Gamble. (Yale University Press, 2002)

Spoken Word

"Monish by Y.-L. Peretz read by Shane Baker." Congress for Jewish Culture. Vimeo. Available at

20. Brecht, Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder


German. Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder: eine Chronik aus dem Dreissigjährigen Krieg / Bertolt Brecht (Suhrkamp, 1999)

Mutter Courage und ihre Kinder / Bertolt Brecht; hrsg. Jan Esper Olsson. (Suhrkamp, 1981)

English. Mother Courage and her children / Bertolt Brecht; trans. Tom Leonard. (Smokestack Books, 2014)

Mother Courage and her children: a chronicle of the Thirty Years' War / Bertolt Brecht; trans. Tony Kushner. (Methuen Drama, 2009)

Mother Courage and her children / Bertolt Brecht; trans. John Willett. (Penguin, 2007)


German. Ausgewählte Werke in sechs Bänden. Zweiter Band: Stücke 2. (Suhrkump, 1997). This volume of selected works available through ProQuest One Literature is the only available e-book version of Mutter Courage but is no-frills plain text.

English. Mother Courage and Her Children. (Methuen Drama, 1995). Available through Drama Online.

21. Celan, “Todesfuge”


German. Die Gedichte: neue kommentierte Gesamtausgabe in einem Band / Paul Celan; hrsg. Barbara Wiedemann. (Suhrkamp, 2018)

"Todesfuge" und andere Gedichte / Paul Celan. (Suhrkamp, 2004)

Todesfuge / Paul Celan. (Rimbaud, 1999). With commentary. From the series Texte aus der Bukovina.

English. Selected poems and prose of Paul Celan / trans. John Felstiner. (W.W. Norton, 2001)


German. "Todesfuge." Lyrikline. Available at

English. "Todesfuge," trans. Dean Rader. Poetry Foundation. Available at

22. Böll, Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum


German. Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann: Erzählung / Heinrich Böll. (dtv, 2017)

Die verlorene Ehre der Katharina Blum oder: Wie Gewalt entstehen und wohin sie führen kann: Erzählung / Heinrich Böll. (Kiepenhauer & Witsch, 1974)

English. The lost honor of Katharina Blum, or, How violence develops and where it can lead / Heinrich Böll; trans. Leila Vennewitz. (Penguin, 2009)

There is no e-book edition available.


The lost honor of Katharina Blum. (Volker Schlöndorff & Margarethe von Trotta, 1975). Available through Kanopy.

23. Christa Wolf, Störfall


German. Störfall: Nachrichten eines Tages; Verblendung: Disput über einen Störfall / Christa Wolf; hrsg. Sonja Hilzinger. (Luchterhand, 2001)

Störfall: Nachrichten eines Tages / Christa Wolf. (Luchterhand, 1987)

English. Accident: a day's news / Christa Wolf; trans. Heike Schwarzbauer & Rick Takvorian. (Noonday Press, 1991)

There is no e-book edition available.

24. Özdamar, Mutterzunge


German. Mutterzunge: Erzählungen / Emine Sevgi Özdamar. (Suhrkamp, 2022)

Mutterzunge: Erzählungen / Emine Sevgi Özdamar. (Rotbuch, 1990)

English. Mother tongue / Emine Sevgi Özdamar; trans. Craig Thomas. (Coach House Press, 1994)

There is no e-book edition available.

25. May Ayim, “blues in schwarz weiss”


German. Blues in schwarz weiss; Nachtgesang: Gedichte / May Ayim. (Unrast, 2022)

Blues in schwarz weiss: Gedichte / May Ayim. (Orlanda Frauenverlag, 1995)

English. Blues in schwarz weiss: a collection of essays, poetry and conversations / May Ayim. (Africa World Press, 2003)

There is no e-book edition available.

Recommended Literary Histories

Frenzels Daten Deutscher Dichtung


Daten deutscher Dichtung: chronologischer Abriss der deutschen Literaturgeschichte / Herbert A. und Elisabeth Frenzel. (DTV, 1990)

Daten deutscher Dichtung : chronologischer Abriss der deutschen Literaturgeschichte / Herbert A. und Elisabeth Frenzel. (Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, 1981)


Hansers Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur


Hansers Sozialgeschichte der deutschen Literatur vom 16. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart / hrsg. Rolf Grimminger; ed. Hans-Joachim Simm. (Hanser, 1980-2009)


Wellbery, A New History of German Literature


English. A new history of German literature / David E. Wellbery, editor-in-chief. (Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2004)

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