Grant Thornton Survey of US Business Leaders. "Grant Thornton, LLP, in partnership with BusinessWeek Research Services, surveyed 510 business leaders to determine their views on corporate responsibility and the value companies derive from corporate responsibility initiatives."
Grant Thornton Report on Corporate Social Responsibility. "In this report we look at Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and what is driving privately held businesses to adopt CSR related practices. We also examine what initiatives are being adopted and which countries are adopting CSR formally."
Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS). Use the datasets Institutional Shareholder Services -ISS ("the world's leading source of impartial, independent research on corporate governance, proxy voting and corporate responsibility issues") and MSCI GMI Ratings (search by company, directorships, CEOs, or takeover defenses. Use the menus provided to request information. Includes several different formats for output).