Searches across most Proquest primary source databases including: Proquest Historical Newspapers, 19th Century American and British Periodicals, Women's Magazines, Entertainment Industry Periodicals, streaming video, more.
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Searches across most Gale primary source databases including: 18th-20th Century British Newspapers, 18th Century British books, 19th Century American Newspapers and Books, including fiction, Legal Material (Trials, Treatises, Cases, etc.), 20th Century Women's, GLBT and Extremist publications, International Relations, 19th Century special collections.
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Searches across all Hein primary source resources including: Congressional Documents, Legal Treatises, State and Federal Laws, Cases, Treaties, Constitutions, Law Reviews, Federal Agency Documents, Special Legal Topics (Women, Slavery, Animals, etc.).
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Searches across all Adam Matthew primary source databases, including material relating to: Colonial America, International Migration, British Foreign Relations, History of Trade, British Drama and Literature, Race Relations, more.
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