If you can't find a book in Franklin or it's checked out, please use the services below in the Inter-LIbrary Loan (ILL) box to get ahold of a copy from another library.
The location of each book is listed in its record, so use that to either find it in the library or request it from LIBRA (storage). Most of the time your book will be in East Asia Stacks (Van Pelt) or LIBRA (storage).
If we don't own a book (or other item), or it's checked out from Penn, please use Inter-Library Loan and BorrowDirect+ to request your materials. You can do so directly here. Make sure you fill out all the information you can and only use romaji, not Japanese. The system cannot understand Japanese kana or kanji! The resource you request will come to the library you specify and be held for you at circulation (and you'll receive an email when it arrives.)
When you search BorrowDirect or E-ZBorrow, you'll need to type the book's information into their search systems to request it. It is a separate system from Penn's Franklin catalog.
Our library catalog, Franklin, has two main components: Catalog (to find books and other media, including databases), and Articles (for finding individual journal articles).
To find Japanese materials, you'll want to click on the Catalog tab because we don't have access to any article PDFs in Japanese. From there, you can search for titles, authors, subjects, and more. If you're not sure what to do, just try a Keyword search. This searches all the information about the books and other resources, so you can combine title words with an author's name, for example, to do a very specific search.
Because of some strange characters in Japanese titles in our system, please use romaji to search if you're not getting the results you expect. For example, 江戸 and 目録 (and even 巻) are not searchable in Japanese in Franklin. Instead, you'd search for "edo", "mokuroku" and "kan" or "maki." When in doubt, send Rebecca an email and ask for help!