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Conflict and Terrorism - Research Guide: Home


This guide will help you to use the Penn Library when researching topics on conflict, as well as terrorism, ethnopolitical violence, and associated psychological, political, and sociological topics.

CAVEAT. Although internet resources are extremely useful for tracking current news developments worldwide, most research-quality information remains available only in print format. This guide lists both internet and print resources.

Materials containing relevant information are collected chiefly by Van Pelt Library, (social sciences, including history, political science, psychology, sociology, and area studies). In addition, the University Museum Library's anthropological holdings and the Holman Biotech Commons's public health collection may also be useful. The Biddle Law Library of the Law School's international human rights holdings, focussing on legal and technical aspects, complement Van Pelt Library's more general collection.

For internet research concerning related topics, the Penn Library Web links to many online resources:



Fulltext online reviews of the literature
Dictionaries and encyclopedias | Atlases and statistics
Handbooks | Guides to the literature and bibliographies
Franklin | Indexes and abstracts
Research collections | News sources and web sites
Quick links to good reading | E-journals worth browsing


These articles will help to guide your reading by identifying important research themes and evaluating the literature that discuss them.

CAVEAT. These are merely online literature reviews, not necessarily the BEST literature reviews. Also see the section "Guides to the Literature and Bibliographies" (below).

"War: back to the future" / Anna Simons. Annual review of anthropology 28 (1999): 73-108.
[Online via Penn Library Web (]
"The sociology of ethnic conflicts: comparative international perspectives" / Robin M. Williams, Jr.. Annual review of sociology 20 (1994): 49-79.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
"Ethnic and nationalist violence" / Rogers Brubaker and David D. Laitin. Annual review of sociology 24 (1998): 423-452.
[Online via Penn Library Web (]
"Violence, terror, and the crisis of the state" / Carole Nagengast. Annual review of anthropology volume 23 (1994): 109-136.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]

"The psychological foundations of identity politics" / Kristen Renwick Monroe et al. Annual review of political science 3 (2000): 419-447.
[Online via Penn Library Web (]
"Psychology and international relations theory" / J. M. Goldgeier and P. E. Tetlock. Annual review of political science 4 (2001): 67-92.
[Online via Penn Library Web (]

"The public health aspects of complex emergencies and refugees situations" / M. J. Toole and R. J. Waldman. Annual review of public health 18 (1997): 283-312.
[Online via Penn Library Web (]


Dictionaries and encyclopedias are the best places to start when you're just beginning or need basic understanding. The entries in good encyclopedias will provide brief bibliographies, too. Use "Keyword Searching" in Franklin to find encyclopedias and dictionaries:
(dictionaries OR encyclop?) AND ...

Reader's guide to the social sciences / Jonathan Michie, ed. 2 volumes. Chicago: Fitzroy Dearborn, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: H41 .R43 2001]
Articles exposing major themes through evaluation of important research literature. Especially useful articles include:
  • "War" / Keith F. Otterbein (II, 1746-1747).
  • "Ethnicity" / Dibyesh Anand (I, 503-504); "Ethnicity, sociology" / Mils Hills (I, 504-505); and "Ethnocentrism" / Helen Johnson (I, 506).
  • "Nation" / Elizabeth M. H. Withey-Vandiver (II, 1089-1091).
  • "Nationalism" / Brian Dirck (II, 1099).
  • "Islamic fundamentalism" / Ronald Lukens-Bull (I, 857-858).
  • "Genocide, politics" / William Schabas (I, 649-651); "Genocide, sociology" / Arthur E. McCullough (I, 651-652); and "Ethnic cleansing: the debate on Yugoslavia" / Vera Vratusa(-Zunjic) (I, 501-503) [a revisionist perspective].

World encyclopedia of peace. 2nd edition. 8 volumes. Dobbs Ferry, NY: Oceana Publications, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: JZ5533 .W67 1999]

Encyclopedia of violence, peace, & conflict. 3 volumes. San Diego: Academic Press, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: HM291 .E625 1999]
Aggression and conflict: a cross-cultural encyclopedia / David Levinson. (Encyclopedias of the human experience.) Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1994.
[University Museum Reference, Van Pelt Reference: HM136 .L46 1994]
Encyclopedia of conflicts since World War II. 4 volumes. Armonk, NY: Sharpe Reference, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: D843 .E46 1999]
Encyclopedia of genocide. 2 volumes. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6322.7 .E53 1999]
Encyclopedia of world terrorism. 3 volumes. Armonk, N.Y.: Sharpe Reference, 1997.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .E53 1997]
Historical dictionary of terrorism / Sean Anderson and Stephen Sloan. 2nd ed. (Historical dictionaries of religions, philosophies, and movements; no. 41. Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest; no. 21.) Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 2002.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .A537 2002]
Encyclopedia of guerrilla warfare / Ian F. W. Beckett. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: U240 .B43 1999]

Great debates at the United Nations: an encyclopedia of fifty key issues, 1945-2000 / Robert F. Gorman. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2001.
[Van Pelt: KZ4968 .G67 2001]
Encyclopedia of conflict resolution / Heidi Burgess and Guy M. Burgess. Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1997.
[Van Pelt Reference: HM136 .B783 1997]
An encyclopedic dictionary of conflict and conflict resolution, 1945-1996 / John E. Jessup. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1998.
[Van Pelt Reference: D842 .J47 1998]
Historical dictionary of refugee and disaster relief organizations / Robert F. Gorman. 2nd ed. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow, 2000.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV640 .G66 2000]
Historical dictionary of international organizations in sub-Saharan Africa / Mark W DeLancey and Terry M Mays. (International organizations series: no. 3.) Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow, 1994.
[Van Pelt Reference: JX1995 .D375 1994]

Encyclopedia of youth and war: young people as participants and victims / Victoria Sherrow. Phoenix, Ariz.: Oryx Press, 2000.
[Van Pelt Reference: HQ784 .W3 S54 2000]

Encyclopedia of nationalism. 2 volumes. San Diego, Calif.: Academic Press, 2001.
[Van Pelt Reference: JC 311 .E539 2001]
Nations without states: a historical dictionary of contemporary national movements / James Minahan. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.
[Van Pelt Reference: D860 .M56 1996]

Encyclopedia of world cultures / [Human Relations Area Files]. 10 volumes. Boston, Mass.: G. K. Hall, 1991-1996.
[Museum Library Reference: GN550 .E53 1991]
[CD-ROM version (Macmillan Reference USA, 1998): Museum Library Desk: GN307 .E54 1998]
eHRAF Collection of Ethnography. Human Relations Area Files.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Described in greater detail below. An encyclopedic article for each culture is excerpted from Encyclopedia of world cultures.

Historical dictionary of civil wars in Africa / Guy Arnold. (Historical dictionaries of war, revolution, and civil unrest; no. 12.) Lanham, MD: Scarecrow, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: DT21.5 .G89 1999. Also Van Pelt stacks]
An historical encyclopedia of the Arab-Israeli conflict / Bernard Reich, ed. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1996.
[Van Pelt Reference: DS119.7 .H544 1996]
Conflict in Northern Ireland: an encyclopedia / by Sydney Elliott and W.D. Flackes. (Roots of modern conflict.) Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: DA990 .U46 E44 1999]
Conflict in the former Yugoslavia: an encyclopedia / John B. Allcock et al., eds. (Roots of modern conflict.) Denver, Colo.: ABC-CLIO, 1998.
[Van Pelt Reference: DR1232 .C66 1998]


Global geopolitical flashpoints: an atlas of conflict / Ewan W. Anderson. London: Stationery Office, 2000.
[Van Pelt Reference: in process.]
Trouble spots: the world atlas of strategic information / Andrew Duncan and Michael Opatowski. Stroud: Sutton, 2000.
[Van Pelt Reference: G1019 .D863 2000]
The state of war and peace atlas / Dan Smith. 3rd ed., rev. New York: Penguin, 1997.
[Van Pelt Reference: G1046 .R1 S6 1997]

Macmillan atlas of war & peace: Bosnia Herzegovina. New York: Macmillan, 1996.
[Van Pelt Reference: G2013 .B67 M33 1996]
Atlas of the Arab-Israeli conflict / Martin Gilbert. 6th ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1993.
[Van Pelt Reference: G2236 .S1 G52 1993]

Statistics of democide: genocide and mass murder since 1900 / Rudolph J. Rummel. (Macht und Gesellschaft; Bd. 2.) Munster: LIT, 1998.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6322.7 .R868 1998]
Resort to arms: international and civil wars, 1816-1980 / Melvin Small and J. David Singer. 2nd ed. Beverly Hills, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1982.
[Van Pelt: U21.2 .S6 1982]
The revised edition of The wages of war, 1816-1965, by the authors of The correlates of war.
Warfare and armed conflicts: a statistical reference to casualty and other figures, 1618-1991 / Micheal Clodfelter. 2 vols. Jefferson, N.C.: McFarland, 1992.
[Van Pelt Reference: D214 .C55 1992]

A cross-cultural summary / Robert B. Textor, comp. New Haven, Conn.: HRAF Press, 1967.
[University Museum Reference: GN307 .T4]
"The bulk consists of carefully selected and edited computer printout", presenting analyses of HRAF cultural features for 400 world cultures.

UNSTATS UN common database / UN Statistics Division.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Time series data for countries worldwide covering all aspects of society and economy. Data from 1946 to present gathered from UN agencies and related international governmental organizations.

READING ABOUT CONFLICT AND CONFLICT RESOLUTION - Handbooks, Guides to the Literature, Bibliographies

The literature of conflict is enormous and complicated. These are tools to help cut through the noise.

HANDBOOKS summarize whole subject areas, evaluating research as well as identifying important research tools and resources.

Use "Keyword Searching" in Franklin to find handbooks:
handbook? AND ...

Ethnopolitical warfare: causes, consequences, and possible solutions / Daniel Chirot and Martin E. P. Seligman, eds. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 2001.
[Van Pelt: D443 .E77 2001]
War, hunger, and displacement: the origins of humanitarian emergencies / E. Wayne Nafziger, Frances Steward, and Raimo Vayrynen, eds. 2 volumes. (Queen Elizabeth house series in development studies.) New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

International handbook of psychology / Kurt Pawlik and Mark R. Rosenzweig, eds. London: Sage, 2000.
[Van Pelt: BF77 .I622 2000]
Handbook of cross-cultural psychology . 2nd ed. 3 vols. (Volume 1 only available.) Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1997- .
[Van Pelt: GN502 .H36 1997]
Updates: Handbook of cross-cultural psychology. 6 vols. 1980-1981. [Van Pelt: GN502 .H36]
International handbook of human response to trauma / Arieh Y. Shalev et al., eds. (The Plenum series on stress and coping.) New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2000.
[Van Pelt: BG575 .S75 I58 2000]

Peace, security, and conflict prevention: SIPRI-UNESCO handbook. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998.
[Van Pelt: JX1905 .P43 1998]
Handbook of humanitarian law in armed conflicts / Dieter Fleck et al., eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 1995.
[Van Pelt: JX5136 .H34 1995]
Democracy and deep-rooted conflict: options for negotiators / Peter Harris and Ben Reilly, eds. (Handbook series; 3.) Stockholm, Sweden: International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 1998.
[Van Pelt: JZ6010 .D45 1998]
Handbook of conflict resolution: theory and practice / Morton Deutsch and Peter T. Coleman, eds. 1st ed. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, 2000.
[Van Pelt: HM1126 .H35 2000]
Handbook of intercultural training / Dan Landis and Rabi S. Bhagat, eds. 2nd ed. Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications, 1996.
[Van Pelt: GN496 .H36 1996]
Handbook of interethnic coexistence / Eugene Weiner, ed. New York: Continuum, 1998.
[Van Pelt: GN496 .H363 1998]
The handbook of non-violence / Robert. Seeley. Westport, Conn.: L. Hill; Great Neck, NY: Lakeville Press, 1985.
[Van Pelt: JX1952 .S43 1985]
Includes: An encyclopedia of pacifism / Aldous Huxley.
Carnegie Commission on Preventing Deadly Conflict.
This international commission has produced a large number of authoritative surveys on conflict resolution in general and in specific locations. Use this Franklin keyword search:
"carnegie commission on preventing deadly conflict"
Peacebuilding: a field guide / Luc Reychler and Thania Paffenholz, eds. Boulder, Colo.: Lynne Rienner Publishers, 2001.
[Van Pelt: HM1126 .P43 2001]

Terrorism, 1992-1995 : a chronology of events and a selectively annotated bibliography / Edward F. Mickolus with Susan L. Simmons. (Bibliographies and indexes in military studies; no. 9.) Westport, Conn.: Greenwood, 1997.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .M499 1997]
Terrorism : a reference handbook / Stephen E. Atkins. (Contemporary world issues.) Denver, CO : ABC-CLIO, c1992.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .A87 1992]
Guerrilla warfare: a historical, biographical, and bibliographical sourcebook / Anthony James Joes. Westport, Conn. : Greenwood Press, 1996.
[Van Pelt: U240 .J58 1996]
Interethnic conflict and political change in the former USSR / Airat Aklaev, Tatyana Levashova, compilers. 4 volumes. Dundas, Ont., Canada: Peace Research Institute-Dundas, 1994- .
[Van Pelt: DK293 .A39 1994]

GUIDES TO THE LITERATURE and BIBLIOGRAPHIES provide useful entry points by evaluating and highlighting the most important research tools and resources.

Use "Keyword Searching" in Franklin to find bibliographies and guides to the literature:
skey bibliography AND ...

Books for understanding: a resource to help understand the events of September 11, 2001. Association of American University Presses.
[Online via AAUP web]
An unannotated list of books from university and scholarly presses on the World Trade Center, terrorism, grief, loss, and trauma, catastrophe and disaster management, war, peace, and global issues, the Middle East and Islamic states, fundamentalism and political Islam, Islamic thought and cutlure, and aviation and airport security.

Psychosocial research and ethnopolitical conflict syllabus. Solomon Asch Center for Study of Ethnopolitical Conflict 2001 Summer Institute, University of Pennsylvania.
[Online via Penn web]
Lists readings on case histories of ethnopolitical conflict and many topics relevant to ethnicity and conflict. Intended for Asch Center Summer Institute participants.
Asch Center bibliographies.
[Online via Penn web]
Current bibliographies include:
  • "Terrorism--references to papers written by Asch Center faculty and fellows".
  • "Violence and aggression--annotated bibliography" / Clark McCauley.
  • "Ethnic conflict--annotated bibliography" / April Eaton and Dan Chirot.

International armed conflict since 1945: a bibliographic handbook of wars and military interventions / Herbert K. Tillema (Series on state violence, state terrorism, and human rights.) Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.
[Van Pelt Reference: D843 .T53 1991]
Shadow of death: an analytical bibliography on political violence and low-intensity conflict / Henry W. Prunckun, Jr. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1995.
[Van Pelt Reference, Van Pelt Stacks: HV6431 .P78 1995]
Globalization, localization, and violence: an annotated bibliography / Peter Kloos and Purnaka L. de Silva. (Anthropological studies VU; 17.) Amsterdam: VU University Press, 1995.
[Van Pelt: JC362 .K56 1995]
The scientific measurement of international conflict: handbook of datasets on crises and wars, 1495-1988 A.D. / Claudio Cioffi-Revilla. Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1990.
[Van Pelt: JX1291 .C483 1990]
The widening circle of genocide / Israel W. Charny, ed. (Genocide: a critical bibliographic review; v. 3.) New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1994.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6542 .W53 1994]

Peacekeeping: an annotated bibliography / Peter Jones. 2 volumes. Kingston, Ont. : Frye, c1989-c1999.
[Van Pelt Reference: JZ6374 .J664 1989]
Bibliography on peace, security, and international conflict management / United States Institute of Peace. Washington, DC: USIP, 1993.
[Van Pelt: JX4473 .U54 1993]
Peaceful peoples: an annotated bibliography / Bruce D. Bonta. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1993.
[Van Pelt: GN378 .B66 1993]
Anthropological and cross-cultural themes in mental health: an annotated bibliography, 1925-1974 / Armando R. Favazza and Mary Oman. (University of Missouri studies; v. 65.) Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1977.
[Van Pelt, other locations: RC455.4 .E8 F38]
Violence against women: international aspects: a bibliography / Joan Nordquist, comp. (Contemporary social issues; no. 49.) Santa Cruz, CA: Reference and Research Services, 1998.
[Van Pelt: HV6250.4 .W65 N68 1998]
Displaced peoples and refugee studies: a resource guide / edited by the Refugee Studies Programme, University of Oxford. (Hans Zell resource guides; 2.) New York: H. Zell, 1990.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV640 .D57 1990]

The spirit of violence: an interdisciplinary bibliography of religion and violence / Christopher Candland. (Occasional papers of the Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation; no. 6.) New York: Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation, 1992.
[Van Pelt: HM281 .C25 1992]
Al-Qaeda and Jihadi movements worldwide / James Joseph Sanchez, ed. Two volumes. (Middle East abstracts and index ; v.25E.) Seattle, Wash.: Reference Corporation, 2002.
[Van Pelt Reference: DS41 .M44 v.25E]

Terrorism, 1980-1990: a bibliography / Amos Lakos. Boulder: Westview Press, 1991.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .L343 1991]
Terrorism : an international resource file: 1970-89 bibliography / Yonah Alexander, general editor. Ann Arbor, Mich.: UMI, 1991.
[Van Pelt Reference: HV6431 .T4612 1991]

Ethnic conflict and human rights in Sri Lanka: an annotated bibliography / Kumar Rupesinghe & Berth Verstappen. London; New York: Hans Zell; Oslo: Published for the International Peace Research Institute, 1989- . Two volumes published.
[Van Pelt: DS489.84 .R8 1989]
Sendero Luminoso in context: an annotated bibliography / John M. Bennett. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1998.
[Van Pelt: F3448.2 B46 1998]
Sendero Luminoso: an annotated bibliography of the Shining Path guerrilla movement, 1980-1993 / Peter A. Stern. SALALM Secretariat, General Library, University of New Mexico, 1995.
[Van Pelt: F3448.2 .S735 1995]

Uncertain judgment: a bibliography of war crimes trials / John Rodney Lewis. (War/peace bibliography; no. 8.) Santa Barbara, Calif.: ABC-CLIO, 1979.
[Van Pelt: JX5433 .L49]

READING ABOUT CONFLICT - Using Franklin in the Penn Library

Use Franklin to identify and locate in the Penn Library books, periodicals, and bibliographic and numeric data files in electronic format.
CAVEAT: Biddle Law Library holdings do not appear in Franklin. Use LOLA, the Biddle catalog to search Biddle's holdings.

The best way to use Franklin is to search by Library of Congress subject heading. Some subject headings pertaining to ethnopolitical conflict used in Franklin are:

adjustment (psychology)mass murder
aggressiveness (psychology)massacres
arab-israeli conflictmediation
arbitration, internationalmilitary history, modern
bosnia and hercegovinaminorities
civil warnationalism
conflict managementnegotiation
conflict (psychology)northern ireland
consensus (social sciences)pacifism
culture conflictpeace
cultural psychiatrypolitical persecution
democracypolitical violence
diplomatic negotations in international disputes
dispute resolution (law)race relations
ethnic groupsrefugees
ethnic relationsrevolutions
ethnicitysecurity, international
ethnocentrismsocial conflict
former yugoslav republicsterrorism
intercultural communicationwar
international relationswar and society
interpersonal conflictwar victims
israel-arab conflictswomen refugees
jewish-arab relationsyugoslav war, 1991-1995
humanitarian assistanceinternational relief
former soviet republicswar crime trials
low-intensity conflicts (military science)
pacific settlement of international disputes

Keyword searching using Library of Congress subject headings and subheadings is very useful for combining different concepts into one search, for restricting searches to geographic areas, and for identifying unfamiliar Library of Congress subject headings (e.g., from known catch-phrases):

genocide AND (rwanda OR ruanda?)
(zaire OR "congo democratic republic") AND "civil war"
(riot? OR violen?) AND ethnic?
(arab? OR palestin?) AND (israel? OR jews OR jewish) AND peace
(humanitarian? OR relief) AND (disaster? OR famine? OR war)

Some Franklin subject heading subdivisions are useful for limiting searches for specific aspects of a subject. Use skey subject keyword field code to combine these with other search terms:

ethnic identitypsychological aspects
political activityreligious aspects
political aspectssocial conditions
social life and customs

Some Franklin subject heading subdivisions are useful for identifying genres. Use skey subject keyword field code to combine these with other search terms:

atrocitiesdestruction and pillage
case studiespersonal narratives
cross-cultural studiesstatistics

The Penn Library Web provides extensive help for searching Franklin.

READING ABOUT CONFLICT - Indexes and Abstracts

Whether in print or electronic (online or CD-ROM) format, serial bibliographies, indexes, and abstracts are regularly published, continuing bibliographies offering subject and author access to periodical or newspaper articles, books, book chapters, essays in collections, etc.

Penn Library Web databases for Psychology
The Penn Library Web Databases tool may be used to identify relevant databases for other subject communities, such as Political Science or Sociology.

Peace research abstracts journal. Peace Research Institute-Dundas. 1964-present.
[Online via Penn Library Web (1999-present) (ECO)]
[Van Pelt Reference: JX1901 .P38 (1997-present; 1964-1986 in Van Pelt Stacks)]
Peace research abstracts, 1964-1992. Peace Research Institute-Dundas, 1993. [CD-ROM]
[Van Pelt Reference: on order]
Abstracts of literature on peace studies, conflict resolution, and international relations appearing in books, documents, research reports, and periodical articles. Approximately 3600 abstracts provided annually.

International bibliography of the social sciences (IBSS). 1951-present.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Sponsored by Unesco, this provides the best coverage of worldwide scholarly literature, including journal articles, books, and book chapters, in anthropology, economics, political science, and sociology.

Sociological abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. 1963-present. Ten times yearly.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Comprehensive coverage of the U.S. (and major worldwide) journal literature in all aspects of sociology, with excellent abstracts.

International political science abstracts (IPSA). 1951-present. Quarterly.
[1951-1999, Van Pelt Reference: JA36 .I5]
[1989-present, online via Penn Library Web]
In-depth abstracting of worldwide political science literature. Francophone articles are abstracted in French.

PsycINFO. American Psychological Association. 1887-present. Monthly.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Comprehensive coverage of the worldwide scholarly and professional journal literature in all aspects of psychology, with excellent abstracts.

PAIS International. 1915-present. Annual cumulation.
[1915-1990, Van Pelt Reference: JA1 .P357]
[1972-present, online via Penn Library Web]
Indexes public policy literature worldwide, including journal articles, books, conference proceedings, book chapters, and statistical publications.

Francis. CNRS. 1984-present. Monthly.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
The principal French-language index to the scholarly journal literature in the humanities and social sciences. Particularly strong on ethnology, public administration, and francophone area studies.

Anthropological literature. late 19th century-present.
The principal indexing service for the scholarly literature in all aspects of anthropology. Based upon the Tozzer Library collection, Harvard University.

Historical abstracts. 1970-present.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Excellent coverage of worldwide scholarly journal literature (and some books and dissertations) on non-United States history during the modern period to the present. Search interface permits time-period subject searching.

Social services abstracts. Cambridge Scientific Abstracts. 1980-present.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Good coverage of scholarly and professional journal literature, mostly U.S., on social work, social services, and social policy. Incorporates SOPODA, Social planning/policy & development abstracts.

"New literature on preventing, managing, and resolving conflicts". Conflict Prevention Newsletter. European Platform for Conflict Prevention and Transformation. March 1998-present. Quarterly.
[Online via EPCPT web (latest issue online: vol. 5, no. 1, February 2002)]
Peacekeeping citation lists. Center for Defense Information. July 15, 1994-present. Fortnightly.
[Online via CDI web. (latest issue online: no. 185, 31 August 2001)]
Two useful book lists on relevant topics. The latter lists recent publications, including government documents, on peacekeeping and multilateral military operations.




Major microform sets in the Penn Library
Many research collections are available in microformats. This list identifies the major microform sets.


UN ODS. United Nations. [online]
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Fulltext of UN documentation from 1992.
UN documents and publications [microform]
[Van Pelt Reference Government Documents Room]
[Indexed by AccessUN [online via Penn Library Web].
Documents, including masthead documents, Official Records, limited and restricted documents, and regional commissions, from 1946 to present. For more information, consult United Nations Publications, Van Pelt Library special bibliography.


eHRAF Collection of Ethnography . Human Relations Area Files.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Continues the microfiche collection, Human Relations Area Files [HRAF], held in the University Museum Library. The two resources reproduce collections of ethnographic texts on approximately 450 cultures worldwide, with indexing for more than 700 categories of human behavior.
Outline of cultural materials.
[Online via HRAF web]
Subject codes for paragraph-level indexing of HRAF and eHRAF texts. This page provides codes and labels, with no annotations.
Outline of world cultures.
[Online via HRAF web]
Culture codes for the cultures covered in the HRAF resources. This page provides codes and labels, with no annotations.


Microcard publications of primary records in culture and personality. Madison, Wis.: Microcard Foundation, 1956-1962.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microcard 61 (interfiled with Microfiche)]
Provides source materials and field data from anthropological and psychological fieldwork on individuals living outside the mainstream of Western culture. Data types include Rorschach tests, thematic apperception tests, dreams, and life histories. Classification follows HRAF scheme.


Human Rights Watch publications. 1980-present. Annual update.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 1117]
Reproduces all Human Rights Watch publications. See Human Rights Watch publications: catalog index for individual titles. Van Pelt Library also has a standing order for all Human Rights Watch monographs.
Amnesty International: a major collection of published and unpublished research material. IDC. Dates vary, current updates.
[Biddle: Fiche S28 (through 1997)]
Microfiche collection of Amnesty International country dossiers (1975-1995) and Amnesty International publications (1962-1995).
Human rights documents. IDC. 1980-present.
[Biddle: Fiche S29 (1980-1991, North America, Africa, Middle East, Asia only)]
Documents on human rights produced by NGOs, compiled and edited by Human Rights Internet.


Terrorism: special studies. UPA. 1975-1985 with supplements through 2001.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: on order]
Federally-commissioned reports, thinktank studies, and other grey literature on terrorism, its facts, causes, and implications.


Human rights documents. South Asia. IDC. 1983-1994.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 906]
Reproduces documents on human rights issued by nongovernmental organizations in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, and Nepal, mostly during the 1980s.
Political pamphlets from the Indian subcontinent. CIS.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 815]
Reproduces more than 2,000 English-language pamphlets published from 1915 through the present and held by the Library of Congress. Pamphlets cover mainstream, special interest, and fringe groups from British Imperial India, and the modern countries of India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.


Afghanistan, the making of U.S. policy, 1973-1990. National Security Archive.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 1113]
Reproduces 2,500 documents, mostly declassified, on Afghanistan relevant to the period of Soviet military occupation. The Penn Library holds similar NSA microfiche collections on South Africa (1962-1989), El Salvador (1977-1984), Iran (1977-1980), and Nicaragua (1978-1990)
Afghanistan: an American perspective. CIS.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 504]
Reproduces more than 600 U.S. and other international and foreign government documents on 20th-century Afghanistan, 1920s through 1984, based upon Julian Witherell's authoritative Afghanistan: an American perspective: a guide to U.S. official documents and government-sponsored publications (Library of Congress, 1986).


Iranian opposition to the Shah. IDC.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 152]
Reproduces 687 documents concerning anti-Pahlavi outside Iran during 1962 and 1979.


Somalia reports, post-Barre period. Parts I-III. Library of Congress.
[Van Pelt Microtext Center: Microfiche 1151-Microfiche 1153]
Reports collected by the Library of Congress, Nairobi Office from governmental and nongovernmental organizations documenting social, economic, political, and military conditions in Somalia during 1991-1994.
Reseau documentaire international sur la region des grands lacs africains.
[Online via RDIRGLA web]
Provides reproductions of "grey literature" on Burundi, Congo-RDC, and Rwanda, collected from international, national, and local governments, nongovernmental organizations including religious institutions, political parties, the press, and individuals.


World War II war crimes trials records.
For a brief list of Penn Library microform holdings, consult "Major microform sets in the Penn Library" web guide.


"III. Conflict, aggression, violence, wars. A. Conflict and stability within nations". Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research catalog.
[Online via ICPSR web]
Lists numeric data sets available for download through Penn Library or Social Science Data Center. Procedures are outlined in Penn Library - Data Archives guide.



Several web resources provide good coverage of news about ethnopolitical conflict.


Penn Library - News Sources
This page links to major subscription electronic news sources as well as to guides to major archival collections of worldwide news sources available in print or microform.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Full-text online service provides access to more than 32,000 sources in 28 languages for national and international news, business, health and general information. Most coverage dates from the last decade. FACTIVA is a joint venture of Dow Jones and Reuters.
LEXIS-NEXIS Academic Universe.
[Online via Penn Library Web]
Similar, slightly weaker coverage to Factiva. Very difficult to search fulltext or to restrict searching to single news sources. Excellent coverage of US broadcast news media.


FBIS and World News Connection
These resources provide English-language fulltext translations for non-English local broadcast and print news reports from locations around the world. Invaluable for reading alternative or local press coverage. WNC is a "lite" product. Use FBIS whenever possible.
For more information on Penn Library FBIS holdings, consult FBIS daily reports Van Pelt Library special bibliography.
World News Connection. 1994-present.
FBIS publications. [CD-ROM]. 1996-present.
[CD-ROM at Van Pelt Reference Moelis CD Area: D856 .F357]
FBIS daily reports. [Microfiche]. 1974-1996.
[Microfiche at Van Pelt Reference Government Documents Room: SuDoc PrEx 7.10:FBIS-...]
Indexed by Foreign Broadcast Information Service Index (Penn Library Web).


Crisisweb / International Crisis Group
[Online via ICG web site]
A private multinational thinktank using field research in countries at risk of outbreak, escalation, or recurrence of violent conflict to influence foreign policy worldwide. Web site includes fulltext of current and past project reports.


Integrated Regional Information Networks
[Online via ReliefWeb]
Provides current information on political, social, and economic events affecting humanitarian activity in Africa and central Asia. E-mail notification is available.


Initiative on Conflict Resolution & Ethnicity (INCORE)
[Online via INCORE web]
Provides several very useful online publications: Conflict guides, Ethnic conflict digest, and Conflict data service.


Institute for War and Peace Reporting
[Online via IWPR web]
Organization aimed at strengthening local journalism in areas of conflict. Principal focus upon Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, and also war crimes tribunals. A recent special report provides fulltext unedited transcript of the Afghanistan Loya Jirga proceedings (in Dari and Pashto).


War-Torn Societies International / United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
[Online via WSP International web]
Provides fulltext descriptions of country projects and other publications. Bibliographic database covers worldwide literature on rebuilding war-torn societies. Web site is still "under development". WSP is undergoing a transition phase: prior to 2000, a pilot program of United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD).


UN & Conflict Monitor / Centre for Conflict Resolution, University of Bradford
[Online via web]
Latest issue: no. 9, Autumn 2000.


Forum on Early Warning & Early Response (FEWER)
[Online via FEWER web]
Provides fulltext reports on early warning/early response research for Southeast Asia, West Africa, the Central African Great Lakes region, the Caucasus, and Central Asia, as well as research on conflict prevention best practices and small arms flows and global peace. FEWER is a research forum bringing together international governmental agencies, academic research centers, and nongovernmental organizations worldwide.


Global Security program / Watson Institute for International Relations, Brown University
[Online via Watson Institute web]
Site links to Humanitarianism & War Project and other conflict-related work.


Peace Science Society (International) / Political Science Department, Pennsylvania State University
[Online via web. May require Internet Explorer.]
Includes some data resources.


Center for Applied Conflict Management, Kent State University
[Online via web]


Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
[Online via web]


[Online via web]




These articles and books, available through the internet, are good places to get quick background and further reading.

CAVEAT. Some links may be broken, as individual databases provide stable URLs for only brief periods. However, Penn Library Web source databases are indicated to facilitate locating the fulltext readings.
"The clash of civilizations?" / Samuel P. Huntington. Foreign Affairs volume 72, issue 3 (1993): 23-49.
[Online via Penn Library Web (EBSCO Academic Search Premier)]
The first statement of Huntington's controversial thesis on civilization identities as the source of future conflict.
"The coming anarchy: how scarcity, crime, overpopulation, tribalism, and disease are rapidly destroying the social fabric of our planet" / Robert D. Kaplan. Atlantic Monthly volume 273, number 2 (February 1994): 44-76.
[Online via Penn Library Web (EBSCO Academic Search Premier)]
A journalist describes his vision for the future, based upon experiences in West Africa.
"Peoples against states: ethnopolitical conflict and the changing world system: 1994 Presidential address" / Ted Robert Gurr. International Studies Quarterly volume 38, number 3 (September 1994): 347-377.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
A summary statement from the preeminent scholar of political violence.
"Comment on 'Correlates of complexity'" / Keith F. Otterbein. American Sociological Review volume 36, number 1 (February 1971): 113-114.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: HM1 .A75 and Microfilm cont 287]
Until JSTOR adds American Anthropologist, this is the most accessible fulltext online exposition of the themes explored by this anthropologist of war.
"Life histories, blood revenge, and warfare in a tribal population" / Napoleon A. Chagnon. Science new series, volume 239, number 4843 (February 26, 1988): 985-992.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
[Print available at Biomedical, Biomedical, and Van Pelt Libraries: RA421 .A41 (Van Pelt)]
The controversial sociobiological hypothesis about small-group violence.


"Ethnocentrism and xenophobia: a cross-cultural study" / Elizabeth Cashdan. Current Anthropology vol. 42, no. 5 (December 2001): 760-765.
[Online via Penn Library Web (University of Chicago Press)]
Containing nationalism / Michael Hechter. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Penn Library-Oxford University Press Digital Books Project) (pdf format)]



The Oxford history of modern war / Charles Townshend, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Penn Library-Oxford University Press Digital Books Project) (pdf format)]
Chapters include:
  • "Against war" / Jean Bethke Elshtain.
  • "People's war" / Charles Townshend.
  • "War and the people: the social impact of total war" / Mark Roseman.
People on War Reports. International Committee of the Red Cross, 1999-2001.
[Online via ICRC web]
PDF-format reports on national opinion surveys conducted by ICRC staff among civilians and combatants in twelve war-torn countries: Afghanistan, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Cambodia, Colombia, El Salvador, Georgia and Abkhazia, Israel and the occupied and autonomous territories, Lebanon, Nigeria, Philippines, Somalia, and South Africa, as well as France, the Russian Federation, the UK, and the United States.
Mobilizing for peace: conflict resolution in Northern Ireland, South Africa, and Israel/Palestine / Benjamin Gidron, Stanley N. Katz, and Yeheskel Hasenfeld, eds. New York: Oxford University Press, 2002.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Penn Library-Oxford University Press Digital Books Project) (pdf format)]


The September 11 Sourcebooks. National Security Archive.
[Online via NSA web (pdf format)]
"National Security Archive Online Readers on Terrorism, Intelligence and the Next War," reproducing documents (many declassified) on terrorism and U.S. policy, lessons learned from the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the Nixon administration's decision to end U.S. biowarfare programs, and the Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak, 1979.
The new terrorism: fanaticism and the arms of mass destruction / Walter Laqueur. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Penn Library-Oxford University Press Digital Books Project) (pdf format)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: HV6431 .L35 1999]
An excellent survey by a noted authority. Includes a very good evaluative bibliographic essay.
"Postmodern terrorism" / Walter Laqueur. Foreign Affairs volume 75, issue 5 (September-October 1996): 24-36.
[Online via Penn Library Web (EBSCO Academic Search Premier)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: D410 .F6 and Microfilm cont 281]
A widely-cited article on the changed nature of terrorism from attacks on specific targets to more indiscriminate killingby the same author.
"Conceptualization of terrorism" / Jack P. Gibbs. American Sociological Review volume 53, issue 3 (June 1989): 329-340.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: HM1 .A75 and Microfilm cont 287]
An extended definition of terrorism and its variants.
"The new threat of mass destruction" / Richard K. Betts. Foreign Affairs volume 77, issue 1 (January-February 1998): 26-41.
[Online via Penn Library Web (EBSCO Academic Search Premier)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: D410 .F6 and Microfilm cont 281]
"Current developments: the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings" / Samuel M. Witten. American Journal of International Law volume 92, number 4 (October 1998): 774-781.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
"The political economy of terrorism". American Economic Review volume 78, number 2 (May 1988) = Papers and proceedings of the one-hundredth annual meeting of the American Economic Association. pages 16-31.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
Papers include:
  • "To bargain or not to bargain: that is the question" / Harvey E. Lapan and Todd Sandler. Pages 16-21.
  • "Free riding and paid riding in the fight against terrorism" / Dwight R. Lee. Pages 22-26.
  • "Intervention policy analysis of skyjackings and other terrorist incidents" / Jon Cauley and Eric Iksoon Im. Pages 27-31.


Special issue on bioterrorism. JAMA: the Journal of the American Medical Association, volume 278, issue 5 (6 August 1997).
[Online via Penn Library Web (Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Biomedical, Dental, Vet Libraries]
This issue surveys a wide range of public health issues: clinical, policy-oriented, historical, legal, and social. Articles include:
  • "Biological weapons and US law" / James R. Ferguson.
  • "National health and medical services response to incidents of chemical and biological terrorism" / Jonathan B. Tucker.
  • "Clinical recognition and management of patients exposed to biological warfare agents" / David R. Franz et al.
  • "Biological warfare: a historical perspective" / George W. Christopher et al.
  • "The threat of biological weapons: prophylaxis and mitigation of psychological and social consequences" / Harry C. Holloway et al.
"The Sverdlovsk anthrax outbreak of 1979" / Matthew Meselson et al. Science, new series, volume 266, number 5188 (18 November 1994): 1202-1208.
[Online via Penn Library Web (JSTOR)]
[Print available at Biomedical, Chemistry, Dental, Engineering, Van Pelt Libraries: Q1 .S34 (Chemistry, Van Pelt)]
"Biological and chemical terrorism defense: a view from the "front lines" of public health" / Fred Henretig (Penn faculty). American Journal of Public Health volume 91, issue 5 (May 2001): 718-720.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Biomedical and Van Pelt Libraries: RA421 .A41 (Van Pelt)]


"A national survey of stress reactions after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks" / Mark A Schuster et al. New England Journal of Medicine volume 345, issue 20 (15 November 2001): 1507-1512.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Holman Biotech Commons.]
"Domestic terrorism with chemical or biological agents: psychiatric aspects" / Cleto DiGiovanni, Jr. American Journal of Psychiatry volume 156, issue 10 (October 1999): 1500-1505.
[Online via Penn Library Web (PsycARTICLES via Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: RC321 .A52, and Holman Biotech Commons.]
"Psychiatric disorders among survivors of the Oklahoma City bombing" / Carol S. North et al. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association volume 282, issue 8 (25 August 1999): 755-762.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Holman Biotech Commons.]
"Clinical needs assessment of middle and high school students following the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing" / Betty Pfefferbaum et al. American Journal of Psychiatry volume 156, issue 7 (July 1999): 1069-1074.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Journals@OVID)]
[Print available at Biomedical and Van Pelt Libraries: RC321 .A52 (Van Pelt).]
Children, bioterrorism, and disasters [web site] / American Academy of Pediatrics.
[Online via AAP web.]
Compiles AAP guides, FAQs, policy statements, and relevant web links on disasters, bioterrorism, and psychological support of children.


The Oxford history of Islam / John L. Esposito, ed. New York: Oxford University Press, 1999.
[Online via Penn Library Web (Penn Library-Oxford University Press Digital Books Project) (pdf format)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library Middle East Seminar (Room 523): BP50 .O95 1999]
Chapters include:
  • "Central Asia and China: transnationalization, islamization, and ethnicization" / Dru C. Gladney.
  • "Contemporary Islam: reformation or revolution?" / John L. Esposito.
  • "The globalization of Islam: the return of Muslims to the West" / Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad.
  • "Law and society: the interplay of revelation and reason in the Shariah" / Mohammad Hashim Kamali.
  • "European colonialism and the emergence of modern Muslim states" / S. V. R. Nasr.
Includes very good annotated bibliography for each chapter.
Special issue: Islamic ethics of killing and saving life. The Muslim World, volume 89, number 2 (April 1999).
[Online via Penn Library Web (Atlas)]
[Print available at Van Pelt Library: DS36 .M7]
Although not designed as a survey, articles include:
  • "The rules of killing at war: an inquiry into classical sources" / Khaled Abou El Fadl.
  • "Saving and taking life in war: three modern Muslim views" / Sohail H. Hashmi.





Conflict and Violence E-journals

Conflict Resolution Monitor
Cooperation and Conflict
Ethnic Conflict Research Digest
Global Review of Ethnopolitics
INCORE conflict data service: regional internet guides
International Journal of Conflict Management
International Peacekeeping News
International Security. [Back issues also available.]
Journal of Conflict and Security Law
Peace and Conflict Studies
Studies in Conflict and Terrorism
UN & Conflict Monitor


Violent Behavior E-journals

Aggression And Violent Behavior
Aggressive Behavior
Journal of Interpersonal Violence
Violence Against Women
Also see Penn Library Criminology E-journals for related titles.


Peace Studies E-journals

Accord: an international review of peace initiatives
Each issue focuses on one region that has experienced ongoing conflict, produced in collaboration with locally-based organizations and individuals having direct experience in conflict and peace processes. Issues include chronologies, biographical profiles, key texts and agreements. A very useful piece of work.
Journal of Conflict Resolution
Journal of Peace Research
Online Journal of Peace and Conflict Resolution
Peace & Change
Peace, Conflict and Development
Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy
Security Dialogue


Humanitarian and Emergency Planning E-journals

Disaster Prevention and Management: An International Journal
Forced Migration Monitor
Journal of Humanitarian Assistance
International Journal of Refugee Law
Journal of Refugee Studies
Refugee Survey Quarterly


Central Asia and Islamic Studies E-journals

Central Asian Survey
Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations
Islamic Law and Society
Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies
Journal of Islamic Studies
Journal of Muslim Minority Affairs
Muslim World


Help with trauma. American Psychological Association.
[Online via APA Online]
Useful practical statements, including handling anxiety in the face of the anthrax scare, tips for responding to terrorism, and managing traumatic stress. Includes bibliographies of relevant APA publications.

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