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U.S. Presidency: Locating Journal Articles

Using Citations

You may already have relevant journal, magazine, or periodical citations to your papers. These resources will help you find an online or text version of the cited work.

Using Databases/Indexes


General Databases

There are several general databases that include articles on the American Presidency from many disciplines. There are also several subject specific ones. The databases are produced by outside providers and Penn subscribes to them.  Most citations in them provide direct links to the articles directly but some do not. In cases where they don't, click on the PennText Icon and follow the links. It may be necessary, in some cases,  to receive the article via interlibrary loan. This service can be very fast, often the same day. 

Articles+, is a single search entry point into the Penn Libraries' large collection of ebooks, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, and more.  From Articles+, you have access to content in many full-text and abstracting databases subscribed to by the Penn Libraries, as well as  Open Access Collections. The content in Articles+ is supplied directly by publishers and content providers and indexed at the item level.  Articles+ can be a great starting point for research or a means to expand research beyond a familiar core group of databases. The benefit to researching the presidency on Articles+ is that it includes materials for many different subject areas of interest. Make special note of the discipline sub-category on the grey bar on the left after you get your results from search. 

Google Scholar searches across journal articles, dissertations, books, and working papers, from academic publishers as well as university websites. It includes scholarly sources from all disciplines and languages, and has a greater coverage of unpublished material like working papers compared to other databases. In  one step, it allows you to search across popular databases like JSTOR, PubMed, HeinOnline, and others. The fact that it includes working papers and other kinds of publications from think tanks and the like make it especially valuable. 

Subject Specific Databases

PAIS (Public Affairs Information Service International) covers the "realm of public policy" so is relevant to the issues that the president is likely to deal with. Includes government publications, think tank reports, journal articles and so on. 

World Political Science Abstracts Roughly 2500 journals are covered in the professional political science literature with summaries of the articles and links to the full text to the journals Penn subscribes to. 

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