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The Ancient Economy: Home

Ancient Economy

A gallic-roman harvester. Relief from Trier

Get a comprehensive view of your particular area of interest through these scholarly handbooks and guides

These resources can help you come up with dates, names, additional vocabulary and variant spellings for your research. They can also help you develop a better understanding of your topic or give you ideas for comparisons and contrasts.

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Research Assistance

Rebecca Stuhr is the librarian specialists for Classical Studies. 
You can arrange  individual appointments or ask questions by email by contacting Rebecca at stuhrreb @ or click the button just below to find a time that works for you: 

Schedule an appointment: Open the Humanities box, and scroll down to Rebecca Stuhr

Rebecca has office hours in the Classics Lounge, Cohen Hall 2nd floor

Image of a pair of glasses looking at book.

Use keywords or subject terms to search article databases

Examples of keywords or subject terms to combine and use as you search Franklin Catalog or databses listed below.

Use an * to truncate words (gree*=greece or greek; farm*=farm, farms, farmstead) for better searching.

  • greece, greek, rome, roman
  • agriculture, econom*, trade, farm*, animals, [type of animal], crops, food [specific crops or food]
  • networks, connections, routes, transport*
  • coins, treasurey, finance
  • domestic, home, labor, work, textiles
  • famil*, children,
  • archaeolog*, bioarchaeolog*, zooarchaeolog*
  • disease, mortality, plague, illness, death
  • rural, urban, countryside, [locations], landscape
  • enviornment*, eco*, geograph*
  • names of various trades and occupations 

These databases will also uncover book chapters along with articles in journals

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