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Extracting Data from the General Social Survey (SOCI 120) : Overview

How to extract subsets of data from the General Social Survey (GSS) to SPSS

About the General Social Survey

Icon Brand for the General Social Survey


"​​The GSS gathers data on contemporary American society in order to monitor and explain trends and constants in attitudes, behaviors, and attributes.  Hundreds of trends have been tracked since 1972."

"The GSS contains a standard core of demographic, behavioral, and attitudinal questions, plus topics of special interest. Among the topics covered are civil liberties, crime and violence, intergroup tolerance, morality, national spending priorities, psychological well-being, social mobility, and stress and traumatic events."

(NORC at the University of Chicago, "About the GSS")

General Social Survey: Quick Links

Working with GSS data

Subject Guide

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Lauris Olson
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