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R for Business Guide

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Get Started in RStudio


This introductory workshop is intended for Penn undergraduate students, graduate students, predocs, postdocs, faculty, and staff who are new to digital tools with object-oriented programming (designing code around data). The session is suited to learners interested in using R for assignments, research, teaching, service, or the job market. This workshop provides an orientation to R and RStudio as a step toward understanding R code and supporting data analysis (systematically handling and interpreting data) in R.

After this workshop, learners should be able to

  • Navigate RStudio
  • Work with values and objects
  • Use functions and libraries


  1. Install R and RStudio OR use the Lippincott Library’s on-site computers
  2. Get the latest version of Get Started workshop materials

Prepare Data for Modeling and Analysis


This workshop is intended for Penn undergraduate students, graduate students, predocs, postdocs, faculty, and staff who have begun programming in R and want to work with real-world data. The session is suited to learners interested in using R for assignments, research, teaching, service, or the job market. This workshop provides techniques for organizing both numeric (numbers) and character (text) content in R such that learners could generate outcomes from standard statistical or machine learning models.

After this workshop, learners should be able to

  • Import and wrangle real-world data
  • Explore data properties
  • Format data for statistical tests or machine learning


  1. Prerequisite: This workshop expands on skills introduced during Get Started in RStudio. Learners who attended this prior session or learned its skills elsewhere are welcome.
  2. Install R and RStudio OR use the Lippincott Library’s on-site computers
  3. Install packages in R: install.packages(c("dplyr", "tidyr", "plyr"))
  4. Get the latest version of Prepare Data workshop materials

R Markdown: Code and Author in the Same File​


This workshop is intended for Penn undergraduate students, graduate students, predocs, postdocs, faculty, and staff who work in R and share or present their work in formatted documents. The session is suited to learners interested in using R Markdown for assignments, research, teaching, service, publication, or the job market. This workshop offers techniques for formatting text, citations, code, and figures in RStudio such that learners could produce submission-ready papers, presentations, websites, and more.

After this workshop, learners should be able to

  • Structure text and citations
  • Format code, visualizations, and tables for display
  • Export a submission-ready file


  1. Prerequisite: This workshop expects learners are comfortable navigating RStudio, working with R objects, reading and executing R code, and using features of academic writing (e.g.: citations; figures) outside of R.
  2. Install R and RStudio OR use the Lippincott Library’s on-site computers
  3. Install packages in R: install.packages(c("ggplot2", "kableExtra", "rmarkdown", "stargazer"), dep = TRUE)
  4. Optional: Check for and/or install a LaTeX distribution (e.g.: TinyTeX). LaTeX will let you create PDFs from R Markdown. You can participate fully without it.
  5. Get the latest version of R Markdown workshop materials

litsearchr: Automate your Literature Search


  1. Prerequisite: This workshop expects learners are comfortable navigating RStudio, working with R objects, reading and executing R code, and searching academic literature outside of R.
  2. Install R and RStudio OR use the Lippincott Library’s on-site computers
  3. Get the latest version of litsearchr workshop materials

Business & Data Analysis Librarian

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Kevin Thomas
Subjects: Statistics


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