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Van Pelt Library Course Reserves for Instructors: 3. Request from the Penn Libraries catalog

Request from Franklin catalog

Instructors and course proxies can place course reserves requests for physical and electronic materials from the Franklin catalog.

Books and DVD's:

Search your item and click "Options" (Must be logged in)

 Choose:  Screenshot of "place on course reserve button"

Select your course at the bottom of the form and "Submit Item"

You can also link to e-books and films in the catalog

On the request form, choose "Please link to an e-book at this URL" and copy the URL into the box

Don't forget to fill in the "Needed By" field!

Screenshot of needed by drop down option

Electronic articles:

Make sure you are signed in to Franklin.

Search Articles+ in the Franklin catalog to find the journal article.

Select the title and click "PenText" to the right.

Penn text screenshot

You will see the option to "Place on Course Reserve" below.  A new page will open, pre-populated with the citation information.

Add any other information required.

Select the course that you are adding the item to at the bottom of the page.

Submit the request.


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Contact us at Van Pelt Library Course Reserves:

Email Us: (preferred)

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Departmental Library Reserves contacts:


Penn Libraries Home Search the Catalog
(215) 898-7555