These workshops are designed to develop your familiarity with theoretical frameworks of how people learn, the application and evaluation of technologies used for instruction, and techniques to leverage physical spaces for active learning. To register for these workshops, please follow the links attached to each event. Additional information and handouts will be posted here as the workshops take place.
Date, Time, & Location: Wednesday, April 17th, 2-3:30pm, Goldstein Electronic Classroom, Room 114, Van Pelt-Dietrich Library Center
Description: In this workshop, we will share how technology can help faculty, TAs, and staff innovate class assignments. Participants will consider: "What do you want students to take away from class?" Workshop facilitators will model classroom scenarios to demonstrate how technology can help students achieve learning goals through assignments. We will discuss what makes an assignment innovative (i.e., how it helps students learn in new ways), what makes it effective (i.e., how it produces evidence of learning), and how technology helps faculty, TAs, and staff create these types of assignments. Participants will explore instructional technology tools and develop assignments of their own.