This collection is comprised of 805 newspaper issues primarily published between 1765 and 1776 in Boston and surrounding towns. High quality digital images of 3,969 newspaper and pamphlet pages are available.
Over 3,400 newspapers from most states. Includes both major and local newspapers, with dozens of ethnic newspapers (Black, Irish, French, Latin American, Native American, etc.) and labor newspapers.
Database of hundreds of newspapers from large and small cities, mainly in the United States and England.
Includes such newspapers as:
Arizona Republic (1891-1972)
Atlanta Constitution (1868-1924)
Boston Globe (1854-1922)
Dallas Times Herald (1920-1986)
Columbus Evening Dispatch (1877-1969)
Kingston Gleaner (1834-2016)
New York World (1860-1903)
Austin Daily Texan (1900-1977)
San Antonio Express (1865-1977)
Syracuse Post-Standard (1875-2017)
Miami Herald (1917-1959)
The European edition of the Herald Tribune (later of the Washington Post and New York Times) with distribution across Europe and, later in its history, globally.
280 U.S. newspapers chronicling a century and a half of the African American experience. This unique collection, which includes papers from more than 35 states, features many rare and historically significant 19th-century titles.
the single largest compilation of Spanish-language newspapers printed in the U.S. during the 19th and 20th centuries. The distinctive collection features hundreds of Hispanic American newspapers, including many long scattered and forgotten titles published in the 19th century.