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ARTH 100: Origins of Sculpture

Class guide for ARTH 100 Freshman Seminar

Fine Arts Librarian

These resources have been ordered for recommendation on which to use first! You may find one resource is better than another for your topic. Explore your classmates' and professor's tips for using these resources.


The Library of Congress call number for Sculpture is NB. You will find books in other arts subjects (N) and perhaps in history, religion, or more. The NBs are located in the Fisher Fine Arts Library on the third floor.

  • NB75 starts the section on Egyptian sculpture. Many titles will be in the Penn Museum.
  • NB90 starts the section on Greek sculpture.
  • NB160 starts the section on mythological subjects in sculpture.
  • NB190 starts the section on Renaissance sculpture.
  • NB200 starts the section on American sculpture.
  • NB457 starts the section on European sculpture.
  • NB1202 starts the section on sculpture by material type.
  • NB1910 starts the section on religious subjects in sculpture.
  • NB1930 starts the section on the human figure in sculpture.

TIP When you find a book relevant to your research, use the linked subject headings to find more sources.


TIP If you have the name of an artist or art movement that is two or more words, such as Edmonia Lewis or Greek Sculpture, search for it in quotation marks as "Edmonia Lewis" or "Greek Sculpture". This will keep the words together as a phrase. Works in Google and Google Scholar, too!

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