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Using Articles+

Using Articles+

Articles+, a component of the Library Catalog, is a single search entry point into the Penn Libraries' large collection of ebooks, scholarly journals, newspaper articles, conference proceedings, and more. 

Content Visibility Restrictions

For most content in Articles+, searching does not require authentication, so when off-campus and not yet authenticated you can perform a search and get citation results.  When off campus, you will see this message in the upper right corner of the screen:

Until you login, you  will not be able to see full-text of any citations except the open-access publications.  Citation counts from Web of Science and Scopus do not display either. 

When logged in, Articles+ links will take you either directly to the full-text or to an intermediate page with full-text options.  If there is no full-text, print holdings will display on the intermediate page.  Login to see request options including Digital Delivery. 

See more information on PennText with Articles+.

In addition, you must be logged in to see:

  • Citations from some databases including JSTOR, Scopus, Web of Science, ERIC (some providers).
  • For those Abstracting and Indexing only database indexed in Articles+ that are included in Penn Libraries subscriptions, records will display in Articles+ search results.  Duplicate records from multiple content providers are automatically merged into in a single result. Users must be authenticated to see the A&I record content in a merged record. 
  • Search results comprised solely of subscribed A&I content unless that subscribed content is open-access (for example, ERIC).
  • Citation counts from Web of Science and Scopus.  Articles+ displays citation counts in the bottom right corner of a record when you are authenticated. Web of Science "Cited by" will display to the left of the Scopus "Cited by" display. 
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