Navigating the publishing world—scholarly or otherwise—can be a daunting process because of the many considerations at play, and the often-times high stakes involved. This guide will help you identify key elements to explore in order to make an informed decision about where to publish your work.
For information on Open Access visit our tab on this guide and our guide to our read and publish agreements with major publishers, Wiley, Cambridge, Sage, and Springer
Beyond this guide, Penn Libraries' subject specialists are available to further assist in the publishing process. With expertise in identifying, evaluating, and assessing impact of journals, publishers, and scholars across the disciplines, our subject specialists are a useful resource for your publishing needs.
Zotero Lunch and Learn
Friday, February 28, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
Lunch & Learn: Beware of Low Quality Publishers
Friday, March 7, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
Lunch & Learn: Establish Your Scholarly Identity with an ORCID iD
Friday, March 21, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
Lunch & Learn: Data Storytelling
Friday, March 28, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
Lunch and Learn: Author contracts
Friday, April 11, 2025, 12:15pm - 12:45pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
Lunch and Learn: Copyright and your dissertation
Friday, April 25, 2025, 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Class of 1955 Conference Room 241, Van Pelt Library
These slides are available as templates for teaching and workshops, or for learning more about the topic. Please contact your subject specialist for more information.
Preprint Platforms and the Evolving Publishing Environment, March 2024
Highlights preprint platforms that offer peer review and pipeline to journal publication, updates on major foundations who accept peer reviewed preprints in place of journal publication, evolution of journal independent peer review
Podcasts as Digital Scholarship --covers creating and evaluating podcasts as scholarship, examples of scholarly podcasts, resources at Penn. November 2023
Open Access at Penn
You will find a definition of open access publishing, information about how the Penn Libraries supports it, and avenues for assessing journal quality. 2023
Image credit: Type Writer by Bonzo
Notes for Ethical Dissertation Writing
This document represents a method of developing an ethical authorship workshop
Raising Your Visibility Through Sharing Your Scholarship
This presentation covers the benefits and challenges associated with sharing your work on academic platforms both commercial and discipline specific. In particular, it provides information on pre-print platforms and their role in time stamping your work, making your research discoverable, and providing an opportunity for discussion among peer scholars. Link to script. Updated 2023
Choosing Publishing Options for Medical Academics
An introduction to academic publishing tailored to the needs of academics in the medical field. These presentation slides include an overview of the publishing landscape, an exploration of open access publishing (along with potential costs and funding sources), and tools and resources for selecting a publishing outlet and evaluating scholarly impact. Fall 2022
I Wrote My Dissertation, Now What?
Designed for those currently writing a dissertation or who have recently completed one, these workshop slides provide an overview of important considerations, including: embargoes, submitting to ProQuest, copyright registrations, Creative Commons licenses, scholarly repositories, future publishing goals, etc. Link to script. updated 2023
This is designed specifically for the New Bolton Veterinary staff and is a good example of how to personalize a workshop for your community. Provides information on warning signs, recommendations, and tools for determining quality. Spring 2023
This is similar to the Red Flags workshop above but for a mixed audience. Provides information on warning signs, recommendations and tools