2023 definition from the OSTP and the National Science and Technology Council: “The principle and practice of making research products and processes available to all, while respecting diverse cultures, maintaining security and privacy, and fostering collaborations, reproducibility, and equity.”
Green, Gold, and Diamond are all OA publishing models. Each describes a way to make your scholarship openly accessible.
Open Access publications may be accessed through a journal or publisher, through an author's personal website, or through other openly accessible platforms.
The Sherpa Romeo database and the Directory of Open Access Journals platform provide information about the type of open access provided by individual journals.
The Penn Libraries is supporting access through negotiated agreements with publishers and individual journals. Most of these agreements waive Penn corresponding author's APC charges or provide a free to publish environment. With both models, Penn scholarship is opened up to the world. You'll want to look for these opportunities as you publish. Please contact your subject librarian for more information, review the list below, and visit our Open Access Agreements site. This list will continue to evolve:
Algebraic & Geometric Topology
Algebra & Number Theory
Analysis & PDE
Geometry & Topology
Pacific Journal of Mathematics.
The Penn Libraries have partnered with libraries to establish a three year pilot through which authors who have published with many Elsevier journals and who were affiliated with the University of Pennsylvania at the time of publication will retroactively have their articles made open access. For each year of the agreement, Elsevier will flip five years of publications.
By the end of the pilot, 15 years of published work, constituting tens of thousands of articles authored by leading researchers, will be newly available to everyone at no cost to them and regardless of institutional affiliation.
For more information visit our Elsevier FAQ
*Or another Institution connected with the NERL negotiated agreement.
Peer Community In -- peercommunityin.org
PreReview – prereview.org
Review Commons -- https://www.reviewcommons.org
OAPEN promotes the transition to open access for academic books working together with libraries, publishers, and research funders to host, disseminate, and preserve digital books.
See OAPEN's OA Books Toolkit if you are considering publishing your book open access.
Chapters include the glossary and Why publish an open access book
Most publishers are publishing some open access monographs. They will go through the same peer review process as the non-open-access titles.
Directory of Open Access Books works with publisher to make their peer review process transparent. Look for the PRISM designation.