We are excited to announce the winning memes for the 2025 Love Data Week Meme-ing Your Data Competition! This years first prize was Camille Edwards and the honorable mention goes to Alisha Madan. Camille’s meme won her the data gift bag, and Alisha received a variety of fun data stickers for her meme.
First Prize Winner: Camille Edwards

CC-BY 4.0 Camille Edwards
Honorable Mention: Alisha Madan

CC-BY 4.0 Alisha Madan
We had such a fun time laughing at this year’s submissions for the Love Data Week Meme-ing Your Data Competition! Come see our wall of meme submissions on in the Research Data & Digital Scholarship Exchange on the first floor of Van Pelt Library. We look forward to having even more participants for Love Data Week 2026!