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Love Data Week

An annual celebration of all things data

Love Data Month - February 2019
A month of events to help you take care of the data you love & love the data you take care of

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Check back here or visit for events as they're announced!

Monday February 4

Love Data Table
Penn Museum Cafe

The Art of Every Day Data
Stop by to learn about the Dear Data Project and try drawing the data you encounter in your every day life.
Van Pelt Lobby


Tuesday February 5

NCBI Tools and Databases for Bioinformatics Workshop
The primary goal of this one hour workshop is to provide an introduction to the various databases and tools that are available through NCBI. In addition to an overview, we will be exhibiting demos on a select few tools and databases. We hope that this workshop will galvanize your research interests in bioinformatics!
Biomed Training Lab, Holman Biotech Commons

Wednesday February 6

e-Tidying Up: Organizing and discarding your electronic files
This session will begin with a brief overview of file management best practices and discuss letting go of unneeded files. Then we'll spend the majority of the time working on our own computers to organize the files we still use, archive the files we want to save, and discard the files we can part with. 
Van Pelt WIC Seminar Room (124)

Bloomberg 101
Bloomberg is the definitive source of information for security pricing, indicative and fundamental data, customized analytics and business news. This class covers basic database structure and commands with a focus on practical and useful examples. These session meet every Wednesday.
Yablon Financial Resources Lab (Lippincott 244)

Wednesday February 13

Scribes of the Cairo Geniza Project
Come show your love for the Scribes of the Cairo Geniza project!  The second phase of this great online crowdsourcing project will be rolling out soon, in which volunteers will transcribe manuscript fragments of the 10th-13th centuries from the Cairo Geniza. You still don’t need to know Hebrew or Arabic to participate. How can that be? Come find out! Emily Esten, the Libraries’ new Judaica Digital Humanities Coordinator, will be joining us to share an update on the transcription phase. The number of project volunteers participating online is now just over 4,000, and the number of classifications by volunteers is almost 217,000! First-timers welcome at every meeting.
Kislak Center Vitale Media Lab

AR Valentines
Create your own augmented reality valentines for that special someone! Attendees will first create their own augmented reality experiences using ZapWorks, an easy-to-use, web-based AR toolkit. Attendees will then incorporate these into cards and decorate them. Note: In order to participate fully, you should bring a laptop and a smart phone or tablet that can run Zappar (a free app). The EC has a number of Macbooks available for lending that you are welcome to use, but please arrive early to do so. 
All learner levels are welcome to this event, but we especially encourage beginners to join us. There will be plenty of time to experiment and ask questions. 

Education Commons Tinker Lab

Friday February 15

ENIAC Day Film Screening: Top Secret Rosies
Relax in front of the Education Commons projector, enjoy some popcorn, and celebrate women who get things done.
Education Commons

Tuesday February 19

Responsible Conduct of Research Seminar: Data Management Best Practices
Fagin Hall, 203

Wednesday February 20

International Business Statistics and Where to Find Them
What would you research if you could download years of economic indicators for more than a hundred countries in a single file? Join the Lippincott Library's Business and Data Analysis Librarian to explore key resources for extracting national and regional macroeconomic data in a format that is ready for visualization, modeling, and analysis.
Goldstein Classroom (Van Pelt 114)

Thursday February 21

WordLab Speaker: Paul Vierthaler
Paul Vierthaler of Leiden University will speak about text reuse and identifying quote sources. WordLab is a learning group at Penn Libraries focused on text analysis in all disciplines. Unless noted otherwise on the schedule below, we meet every Thursday.
East Asian Seminar Room (Van Pelt 526)

Ethical Dimensions of Archiving Digital Social Memory
As librarians, archivists, and scholars respond to the ephemeral nature of the web by attempting to preserve its content, ethical challenges abound. Come hear about what it means to archive the web and some of the complex ethical questions posed by digital preservation.
Goldstein Classroom, Van Pelt 114


Monday February 25

Endangered Data Week: Government Shutdown and Data
A look [back, hopefully] at how a government shutdown disrupts access to federal data. We’ll talk about impacts, share our own stories, and talk about solutions. More details to come.
WIC Seminar Room (124)

Tuesday February 26

Data Privacy Lab
A hands-on workshop to take back your digital privacy
Goldstein Classroom (114)

Thursday February 28

Data Visualization: Tips and Good Practices
Come and join us for an overview of the What and the Why questions around visualizing data. We will also review guidelines for good practices, and apply them in critiquing visualizations. In addition, you will create your own data visualization for a dataset within a group setting.
Collaborative Classroom (Van Pelt 113)

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