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Library Services for Chemistry Faculty Members: SEAS

Engineering Collection & Services

To support student learning, The engineering collection and services can

  • Make presentations to your classes about information resources and strategies that can help them complete course assignments, senior design projects, etc.
  • Create web-based resource pages to assist with research and completion of assignments.
  • Incorporate information literacy and lifelong learning competencies into your course and assignments.
  • Guide students on how to find peer-reviewed research results, and evaluate information.
  • Offer Workshops targeted to the Penn researcher

Canvas, Course reserves and Scanning

  • Request a Canvas site be set up for your course
  • For assistance with Canvas, contact our Courseware Support Librarians at Additional information may be found on our Courseware Support site
  • Electronic reserve materials (journal articles, book excerpts, problem set solutions, etc.) can be scanned and uploaded to your Canvas (or non-Canvas) course web site. Contact Doug McGee, Engineering Librarian (898-8170, for assistance.
  • Put books and other materials on reserve for your students. We'll order books if Penn Library doesn't own them. Contact Doug McGee, Engineering Librarian (215-898-8170, for assistance.

To Support Your Research:

  • E-ResourcesExplore our digital databases, e-journals, e-books, e-reference works, and more.
  • FacultyEXPRESS to obtain books, journal and conference articles 
  • Suggest books, journals, and other information resources for the Penn Library Collection, or simply e-mail Doug McGee with suggestions specifically for the Engineering Collection
  • Find is the Penn library system's online catalog, and New Books Plus allows you to virtually peruse new books received, either by subject area or by campus library
  • BorrowDirect+ offers "expedited interlibrary loan" services by letting you search a combined catalog and directly request books not currently available at Penn; most books arrive within 3-5 working days
  • Need Proxy Borrowers? Up to 5 Penn people can be designated as proxy borrowers for you. See the Faculty Proxy Borrower Registration for details
  • One-on-one personalized research consultations/orientations in your office or at the library. Please contact Doug McGee, Asst. Dir. for Physical Science Libraries at (215) 898-8170, to set up an appointment.
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