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About the Accessibility and Learning Technologies Group

About ALT

Accessibility and Learning Technologies Group (ALT) is a collaboration with members from the Penn Libraries, Student Disability Services (SDS), Library Technology Services, SAS Online Learning, Wharton Computing, and other schools and programs at the University of Pennsylvania. 

The group was formed in 2017 by Joe Schaffner, Courseware Support Librarian, to raise awareness about accessibility considerations for faculty and staff using Canvas and related instructional technologies. Additionally, the group is working on several projects aimed at showing how users working with/creating content in Canvas and related technologies can design and manage digital content that adheres to Universal Design for Learning (UDL) principles and is viable for accessibility accommodations when students provide SDS documentation.

ALT's Objective

  • Raise awareness among faculty and staff about accessibility and learning technologies:
    • Features and design choices that facilitate accessibility 
    • Features and design choices that hinder accessibility
  • Provide practical solutions to accessibility barriers for learning technologies through materials (documentation, videos, tutorials, etc), events (workshops, presentations, demonstrations, etc.), and services (e.g., consultations)
  • Collaborate with non-ALT colleagues (learning specialists, technologists, instructional designers, etc.) on projects, initiatives, and committees for which accessibility plays a prominent role (e.g., campus-wide captioning services)
  • Participate through membership or consultation in University-wide accessibility initiatives (e.g., Committee for an Accessible University) to assist with matters pertaining to accessibility and learning technologies.
  • Consult with student groups  to learn how we can serve the technological needs of students with disabilities at Penn.

Accessibility Events

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ALT Steering Committee

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