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ENGL 010: Introduction to Creative Writing: Speculative Pasts and Futures

Finding Digital Archives through Penn Libraries

To locate archival databases relating to a specific subject, begin by entering some relevant keywords into Franklin. The example below searches for archival databases related to children's literature: 


Frankling homepage with "childrens literature" in searchbar



After you click 'Search,' notice that your search results are divided across several fields: Catalog, Articles+, Databases, Colenda, and Website (the last two are cropped out of the image below). For digital archives/online databases, results should appear under Databases**, so click to expand this field and view all results.


Screenshots of results from "children's literature" search in Franklin

**Note, however, that your keywords may not always produce database matches. The Database field will remain empty whenever this is the case. In such instances, consider revising your keywords: use synonyms, think of alternative ways of expressing your research terms, and/or implement advanced searching techniques.



The expanded results page will display all relevant databases along with with links for access. Depending on the number of results, you can further filter databases (by format, subject, type, etc.) to arrive at the most relevant for your particular needs. 


Database tab with results of "children's literature" search


***For the most comprehensive list of all digital resources at Penn classified under particular research topics, consult the E-Resources index**

Digital Archives Beyond Penn

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