Welcome to the Engineering Library! These are some resources that will help you with your CIS Capstone Design projects.
We have organized the resources into collections of related material. They are:
- Background Information: Books to give you a good idea of the general landscape of research in your area
- Journal Articles, Patents, and Technical Reports: Tools for locating primary source materials, which report experimental procedures, results, and specifications
- Business / Market Resources: Business databases provided by Lippincott Library for conduction market and industry research.
- Citation Practices and Avoiding Plagiarism: Our guide to citation, quoting and paraphrasing content, copyright, citation management tools, and more.
- LaTeX and Overleaf: Resources for learning how to use LaTeX and access to set up an institutional account with Overleaf, a web based LaTeX editing platform.
Remember that I am here to help! Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need assistance!