Due to the interdisciplinary nature of Earth and Environmental Sciences, print books on your topic may be located across the entire library system. If you have a question as to where a book may be located, please email Melanie Cedrone.
Geological Society of America
-Memoirs - Results of long-term study of a subject; likely to remain the authoritative reference on a subject for a number of years
-Special Papers - State-of-the-art treatments of rapidly evolving subjects; series published since 1934
-Field Guides - Illustrated with maps and road logs; written for field trips held at GSA and other organizations’ meetings
Geological Society of London
-Memoirs - Memoirs are definitive treatments of their subjects by acknowledged experts in their field. They are available in print, can be searched by topic or title
-Special Papers - They represent a state-of-the-art treatment of their subject matter.
Below is a list of links to a few subject specific ebook collections. There are many additional ebooks that the library has access to and they can be easily found by doing a keyword search in Franklin. The Franklin search box, located for your convenience to the left, will find both print and online books.