An older version of the current UNICRI directory of academic institutions, governmental institutes, NGOs, private institutes, and international organizations engaged in researching criminology, criminal justice, corrections services, forensic laboratories and training and rehabilitation services. The current (not-working) directory is here.
Bibliographic database identifying gray literature (technical reports, working papers, government and agency reports, and conference proceedings) on all aspects of criminal justice. Started in 2010, includes citations back to late 1980s. Provides links to fulltext when known.
Topical repositories for Collections include Center for Victim Research, Death in Custody Reporting Act Program, Incident-Based Reporting Resource Center, Justice Research Academy, Smart Suite Academy, National Juvenile Justice Evaluation Center, and reports from state Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs).
IGO and international NGO reports and more in fulltext. Includes large collections of North American municipal documents and city documents from world cities.
Bibliographies and directory information for criminology and criminal justice research, from the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. UNICRI publications may be found on UNICRI's Italian site.
Van Pelt Microtext: Microfiche 1148 (Accession nos. 100002 to 154393), earlier at LIBRA. 1969 (1980)-1995. Reproduces documents received at NCJRS for indexing in the NCJRS Abstracts. If it's in NCJRS, it's not a journal article or a scholarly book, and it's older than the mid-1990s, it will be in the microfiche. Filed by NCJRS Abstracts accession number.
1970s-1990. The National Council on Crime and Delinquency's complement to the NCJRS microfiche. Indexed in Criminal Justice Abstracts. If it's in CrimJustAbs, it's not a journal article, and it's older than 1990, there's a good chance it's in the microfiche. Requires crosswalk in microfiche finding aid for CrimJust Abs accession number to C&JD's accession number.