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CRIM 410: Senior Research Seminar: Experiments in Crime and Justice: Smart Searching

Database Searching

Tip: Use OR with parentheses ( ) to build synonym sets. Combine those synonym sets with AND

Tip: Use proximity searching to catch variations

literature N3 review (EBSCO)
literature near/3 review (ProQuest)

Tip: Use Thesaurus or Index to identify useful terms for searching              

Advanced search with tips to find subjects, use AND to narrow fields, and choose what to search for 


Tracing Citations

Search for articles or subject in citations indexes to understand the influence of ideas and authors.

HINT! Scopus and Web of Science offer "cited by" searching to discover more recent articles that cite your in-hand article and also "related records" searching to discover articles that share bibliographic references with your in-hand article's bibliography.

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