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Advanced search options for full-text databases: Search options in specific databases

Proquest Databases: American Historical Periodicals, 1740-1949, Proquest Historical Newspapers, British Periodicals, Ethnic Newswatch

Many Proquest databases use identical search terms.

Default search: AND between terms
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity: N/n.  Nursing N/3 education.
Wildcard: ?
Truncation: *
OCR accuracy: poor to fair, with newer publications tending to be more accurate.
Alternative corpus:

Gale Databases: Burney Collection, Times of London, Making of Modern Law, Illustrated London News, 19th Century U.S. Newspapers

Many Gale databases use identical search terms.

Default search: AND between terms
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity: Nn.  Nursing N3 education.
Wildcard: ?
Truncation: *
OCR accuracy: poor to fair, with newer publications tending to be more accurate.
Alternative corpus:

Proquest Congressional: Congressional Hearings Retrospective, Serial Set

Default search: search terms as a phrase unless connector is used
Phrase: default
Proximity: Near/n.  Nursing Near/3 education.
Wildcard: ?
Truncation: *
OCR accuracy: poor to fair, with newer publications tending to be more accurate.
Alternative corpus:

Hein Online

Enormous database of legal material, including law reviews, statutes, legislative histories, legal cases, legal treatises, and more.

Default search: AND between terms
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity"~". "proportionality balancing"~5 searches for cases of the words in parentheses being within 5 words of each other. The quotes are required.
Truncation/Wildcard: *. 
OCR accuracy: fair
Alternative corpus:

Readex Databases: America's Historical Newspapers, Evans, Shaw-Shoemaker

To search Readex databases effectively it is important to use advanced search options.  When searching for multiple terms, Readex databases will search across all articles on a page (for America's Historical Newspapers) or every page in a book (for Early American Imprints).  Thus, a search for "pirates" and "caribbean" may find "pirates" in one article and "caribbean" in another that is totally unrelated.

Default search: AND between terms
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity: NEARn.  Jackson NEAR15 Florida
Wildcard: ?
OCR accuracy: poor
Alternative corpus: Evans Text-Creation Partnership Rekeyed versions of 6,000 of the 40,000 texts in Evans.


When searching for multiple terms, ECCO will search across every page in a book by default.  Thus, a search for "pirates" and "caribbean" may find "pirates" on one page and "caribbean" on another that is totally unrelated.

Default search: default AND between terms
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity: NEARn.  Jackson NEAR15 Florida
Wildcard: ?
Truncation: *
OCR accuracy: poor
Alternative corpus: ECCO Text-Creation Partnership Rekeyed versions of over 2,000 of the 150,000 texts in Evans.

Early English Books Online

Early English Books Online (EEBO) is distinctive in that only about 33% of the titles in it are full-text searchable.  The remainder are simply images with searchable metadata.  However, the items that are full-text searchable are keyed "TEI-compliant SGML/XML texts." To search just the high quality full-text material use the EEBO Text-Creation partnership database.

Default search: Phrase
Phrase: EXACT + "[phrase]" EXACT "England and Wales. Army."
Proximity: NEARn sly near6 fox
FBY allows you to search for terms that are a specified distance between each other, in a specified order: heart fby head.
Wildcard: ?
Truncation: *
OCR accuracy: Texts that have been made searchable through the Text-Creation partnership have been rekeyed and are excellent.  Text that have not been made searchable can obly be identified by searching metadata.
Alternate Corpus: EEBO Text-Creation partnership

Google Books

Default search: Relevance
Phrase: "[phrase]"
Proximity: Some claim that [Around(n)]-- For example, [slavery AROUND(4) indigo] will search for "slavery" and "indigo" within 4 words of each other, but I haven't been able to duplicate it.
Wildcard: Supports use of wildcards for words in a phrase.  Use an asterisk * within a phrase search to match any word in that position. So, for example, to find "a little neglect may breed mischief" when you are not sure of the second to last word, search "a little neglect may * mischief".
Truncation: Automatic truncation, which can be turned off by using quotation marks around each term that should not be stemmed.
OCR accuracy: poor to fair, with newer publications tending to be more accurate.
Alternative corpus:

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