Using Subject Searching in Franklin to Find Diaries
Franklin, the Penn Library Catalog, is a useful resource for finding diaries, bibliographies of diaries and other personal narratives, and works about diaries as a genre and historical resource. Choose "Subject Heading Keyword" from the pull-down menu next to the search box to do a subject keyword search.
You can then use the 'subject' facet or the other facets in the left-hand column to refine your results.
You can enter the search terms in any order.
For example:
Genre: Books about diaries and diary writing will be under the subject diaries with various subheadings.
Person: When looking for diaries by a specific person, watch for the subject subdivision diaries under the person's name as a subject.
Country: Watch for the subject subdivision "diaries" under country names, languages, nationalities, as well as groups of people. You can also use the language facet in the left-hand column to see results in a particular language.
Historical Events: Use the subdivision "personal narratives" under individual wars or events. You can also use the language facet in the left-hand column to see results in a particular language.