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Penn Global: Global Partnerships and Training

Global Events Sponsored with Penn Libraries

International Career and Employment Resources

Global Partnerships and Training

a canoe and dock scene with the words "Guatemala & The University of Pennsylvania meeting in the middle"


Guatemala-Penn Partnership

International Fellowships and Partnerships


The Annenberg School's Center for Global Communication Studies was commissioned to create a course curriculum to teach the fundamentals of Information and Communications Technology for Development (ICT4D):

ICT4D Syllabus Eastern Europe and Asia

ICT4D Syllabus Africa


Librarians in Global Biomedical Partnerships. See all of the Global Impact Interviews.


Use of Mobile Learning by Resident Physicians in Botswana



With the growth of mobile health in recent years, learning through the use of mobile devices (mobile learning [mLearning]) has gained recognition as a potential method for increasing healthcare providers' access to medical information and resources in resource-limited settings. In partnership with the University of Botswana School of Medicine (SOM), we have been exploring the role of smartphone-based mLearning with resident (physicians in specialty training) education. The SOM, which admitted its first class of medical students and residents in 2009, is committed to providing high-level on-site educational resources for resident physicians, even when practicing in remote locations. Seven residents were trained to use an Android-based myTouch 3G smartphone equipped with data-enabled subscriber identity module (SIM) cards and built-in camera. Phones contained locally loaded point-of-care and drug information applications, a telemedicine application that allows for the submission of cases to local mentors, and e-mail/Web access. Surveys were administered at 4 weeks and 8 weeks following distribution of phones. We found that smartphones loaded with point-of-care tools are effectively utilized by resident physicians in resource-limited settings, both for accessing point-of-care medical information at the bedside and engaging in self-directed learning at home.

Recommended Citation

Aileen Y. Chang, Sankalpo Ghose, Ryan Littman-Quinn, Rachel B. Anolik, Andrea Kyer, Loeto Mazhani, Anne K. Seymour, and Carrie L. Kovarik. Telemedicine and e-Health. January/February 2012, 18(1): 11-13. doi:10.1089/tmj.2011.0050.

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