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Veterinary Specialty Boards Reading Lists

American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM) Reading List

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVM reading list.

This guide contains the list of books and journals recommended as study materials for the American College of Veterinary Microbiologists (ACVM) examination.

Residents are responsible for ensuring they are using the correct edition of a book for their exam.

Please ask your librarian, mentor, or specialty board examination committee if questions arise.

"Diplomates can only be certified in the specialty of Parasitology by passing the General Parasitology and Specialty Parasitology Examinations. Diplomates can only be certified in Bacteriology / Mycology, Immunology, or Virology by passing the General Microbiology Exam and the relevant Specialty Examinations."

Source: American College of Veterinary Microbiologists Procedure for Certification




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This resource updated: 05/21/2015

Source reading list reviewed: 03/24/2016 (Parasitology); 03/31/2016 (Microbiology)

Source reading list updated by specialty board: "Revised October 20, 2015"


This is only a convenience copy of the ACVM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVM reading list.


"Candidates are advised to review relevant and current veterinary medical curriculum notes, but are reminded that as specialty certification examinations, the expected level of preparation and knowledge is much higher than a review of veterinary medical curriculum. Candidates should plan to study advanced and graduate level information resources. Review particularly relevant subjects such as bacteriology, mycology, immunology, parasitology, virology, infectious diseases, epidemiology, histology, pathology, therapeutics, statistics, and molecular biology and technology."

Microbiology Review Texts. "There are many excellent and useful textbooks available. Pay particular attention to the most recent editions of the listed examples. The figures, diagrams and photographs in texts are particularly useful in preparing for the specialty (Part II) examinations. The following are examples of some textbooks that will be helpful. The list is not all-inclusive, nor is it necessary to study all texts:

"Read current scientific literature. Read thoroughly and critically all journals you feel to be pertinent. This is a formidable, but not impossible task. Place greater emphasis on refereed journals. Figures and diagrams in journals are particularly useful for the specialty (Part II) examination."

This is only a convenience copy of the ACVM reading list to help find copies of reading materials in local libraries.  It does not replace the official ACVM reading list. Candidates are responsible for ensuring they use the latest ACVM reading list.


"In general, careful study of up-to-date textbooks in veterinary parasitology will provide candidates with solid preparation for the general and specialty examinations. Reading the current clinical parasitology literature is appropriate to further prepare for the examinations. Examples of appropriate textbook and journals that should be the focus of preparation are listed below. The most current editions of textbooks and journals from the past 5 years should be studied."

Parasitology Review Text

Journals (with publisher)

"Figures and diagrams in journals are particularly useful for the specialty examination.

"Read current scientific literature. Read thoroughly and critically all journals you feel to be pertinent... Place greater emphasis on refereed journals."

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