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Master of Behavioral and Decision Sciences: Finding articles - PsycINFO, EconLit, ...

PsycInfo- Locating Articles

PsycInfo is the core database for the American Psychological Association; it has over 4 million records focused on psychological and behavioral social sciences dating back as far as the 1800s.

To search PsycInfo use the dropdown menu near the search fields to influence your search or use the search filters located at the bottom of the page. 

Screenshot of PsycInfo Advanced Search dropdown menu


For additional psychology database recommendations, see the Psychology Guide 

EconLit - Locating Articles

JEL Classification Codes

EconLit and other economics databases such as EconPapers and SSRN use JEL classification codes to describe the subjects of publications, preprints, and working papers. JEL codes are a hierarchical scheme of broad economic topics using three levels of classification, expressed as letter-number-number, e.g., A12. [NB. An early version of the curent JEL scheme used four levels of classification, but the narrowest level was always coded "0", e.g., A120] JEL codes were first used by Journal of Economic Literature, the American Economic Association's current-awareness bibliography, and have been continued in EconLit, the AEA's bibliographic database.

Two strategies to discover relevant JEL codes:

1. Search EconLit for your topic, then look at your results, then search again.

2. Scan the JEL classification code website, then search EconLit for the JEL code as a subject term.


Locating Working Papers & Preprints

Working papers are the rough draft versions of recent research reports and articles, almost always not peer-reviewed. Preprints are versions of articles ready for publication. In some disciplines - economics, for example - working papers are very important; appearing in specific economics working paper series accrues more visibility and prestige than in its terminal publication.

Locating Journals

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