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South Asia foreign relations: India's foreign relations

Overviews, handbooks, and guides to Indian foreign relations

Bibliographies & Guides to the literature

General documents collections: India

  • Annual report. India. Ministry of External Affairs.
    MEA Library website (1999/2000-present).
    An annual chronicle of Ministry activites, arranged by thematic chapters, with half of each report covering world regions and half covering Ministry activites (including lists of state visits to India).
  • Foreign affairs record. India. Ministry of External Affairs, 1955- . Monthly.
    Van Pelt Library: DS448 .A25 (1955- , currently received)
    MEA Library website (1955-1999).
    Similar to US Department of State dispatch, reprinting press release, speech, and statement texts from Indian government officials on international affairs.
  • Journal of parliamentary information. Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1955- . Quarterly.
    Van Pelt Library: JQ201 .A32 (1955- , currently received)
    Tracks major Parliamentary activities, including speeches and events. Reproduces documents of constitutional and parliamentary interest. Summarizes Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha parliamentary sessions.
  • Lok Sabha. Standing Committee on External Affairs.
    Lok Sabha web site
    Government web site for Indian Parliamentary committee providing oversight in international affairs includes fulltext for reports, 2000-present.
  • Letters to chief ministers, 1947-1964 / Jawaharlal Nehru. 5 vols. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1985- .
    Storage: DS480.84 .N39 1985
    Collection of Nehru's fortnightly letter to Indian ambassadors, state governors, and other senior officials. Recommended by SHARF as revealing the evolution of Nehru's foreign policy thinking.
  • Foreign policy of India, texts of documents, 1947-64. New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1966.
    Storage: JX1571 .A565
    Supersedes: Foreign policy of India; texts of documents, 1947-1959. 2nd ed. New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1959. [Van Pelt Library: 327.54 .In253] and Foreign policy of India; texts of documents, 1947-1958. New Delhi: Lok Sabha Secretariat, 1958. [Van Pelt Library: 327.54 .In25]
    Official one-volume compilation of public foreign policy documents, including treaties and agreements, proposals and resolutions, and joint communiques and joint statements. Roughly similar in intent to American foreign policy current documents.
  • Select documents on India's foreign policy and relations, 1947-1972 / A. Appadorai, ed. 2 vols. Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1982.
    South Asia Reference and Storage: DS480.84 .S3853 1982
    Similar to Foreign policy of India, texts of documents, .... Compiled to supplement A. Appadorai and M.S. Rajan's "authoritative and comprehensive textbook", India's foreign policy and relations. New Delhi: South Asian Publishers, 1985. [Van Pelt Library: DS480.84 .A766 1985].
  • India's foreign policy and relations: a documentary survey, 1972-92 / Kokila Krishan Gopal and Krishan Gopal. Delhi: Shipra Publications, 1999.
    Van Pelt Library: DS480.84 .K725 1999
    An extension of Appadorai's collection.
  • India's foreign relations / Avtar Singh Bhasin, ed.. New Delhi: Geetika Publishers in cooperation with the External Publicity Division, Ministry of External Affairs, 2004- . Annual.
    Van Pelt Library: DS448 .I676 (covering 2002-2006)
    Online via Ministry of External Affairs Library web site (2003-2013)
    Recent annual compilations similar to Foreign policy of India, texts of documents, ....
  • Security and diplomacy. New Delhi: Manas Publications, in collaboration with National Security Council Secretariat, 2003- .
    Van Pelt Library: DS480.853 .S45 (2003-2005)
    A recent annual series similar to Bhasin's India's foreign relations.
  • Documents on India's foreign policy. Delhi: Macmillan, 1972-1974. Annual.
    Storage: DS444 .D63
    Reprints documents mostly from Foreign affairs record.

Documents collections focused on India and specific topics or countries

  • India-Bangladesh relations, documents, 1971-2002 / Avtar Singh Bhasin. 5 vols. New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2003.
    Van Pelt Library: DS450.B3 I65 2003
    Volumes have separate subtitles: Political; Sharing of river waters; Commerce, economic, and transport; India-Bangladesh border, miscellaneous; Bangladesh refugees/illegal immigrants, pre-Bangladesh documents. Supersedes: India-Bangladesh relations : documents, 1971-1994 / edited by Avtar Singh Bhasin. 2 vols. Delhi: Siba Exim, 1996. [Van Pelt Library: DS450.B2 I64 1996]
  • India-Sri Lanka relations and Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict documents, 1947-2000 / Avatar Singh Bhasin, ed. 5 vols. New Delhi: Indian Research Press, 2001.
    Van Pelt Library: DS450.S72 I54 2001
  • Nepal-India, Nepal-China relations: documents, 1947-June 2005 / Avtar Singh Bhasin, ed. 5 vols. New Delhi: Geetika Publishers, 2005.
    Van Pelt Library: DS494.8.I4 N423 2005
    Supersedes: Nepal's relations with India and China : documents 1947-1992 / Avtar Singh Bhasin, ed. 2 vols. Delhi: Siba Exim, 1994. [Van Pelt Library: DS494.8.I4 N53 1994] and Documents on Nepal's relations with India and China, 1949-66 / A. S. Bhasin, ed. Bombay: Academic Books, 1970. [Van Pelt Library: DS485 .N4 B376]
  • China South Asian relations, 1947-1980 / R.K. Jain, ed. 2 vols. Brighton: Harvester Press, 1981.
    Van Pelt Library: DS341.3.C5 C48 1981b
    Vol. 1 covers India. Vol. 2 covers Pakistan, 1947-1965. The Kutch Conflict. Indo-Pak Conflict of 1965. Pakistan, 1966-1980. Bangladesh Crisis and Indo-Pak War of 1971. Bangladesh, 1972-1980. Nepal, 1950-1980. Sri Lanka, 1951-1980.
  • US-South Asian relations, 1947-1982 / Rajendra K. Jain, ed. 3 vols. New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1983.
    Van Pelt Library: DS341.3 .U6 U75 1983
    Vol. 1 covers Kashmir question, 1947-1964. India, 1947-1982. Vol. 2 covers Pakistan, 1947-1965. The Kutch conflict. Indo-Pak conflict of 1965. Pakistan, 1965-1982. Vol. 3 covers Bangladesh crisis and Indo-Pak war of 1971. Bangladesh, 1972-1982. Nepal, 1947-1982. Sri Lanka, 1948-1982.
  • The American papers: secret and confidential India-Pakistan-Bangladesh documents, 1965-1973 / compiled and selected by Roedad Khan. Karachi: Oxford University Press, 1999.
    Van Pelt Library: DS386 .A2 1999
  • Soviet South Asian relations, 1947-1978 / R.K. Jain. 2 vols. New Delhi: Radiant Publishers, 1978.
    Van Pelt Library: DS341.3.R9 S68
    Storage: DS341.3.R9 S68 1979 (Humanities Press 1979 edition)
    Vol. 1 covers The Kashmir question, 1952-1964. The Kutch conflict. Indo Pak conflict of 1965. Bangladesh crisis and Indo-Pak War of 1971. India. Vol. 2 covers Pakistan. Bangladesh. Nepal. Sri Lanka.
  • Indo-Soviet relations, 1947-1972, a documentary study / Bimal Prasad. Bombay: Allied Publishers, 1973.
    Van Pelt Library: DS450 .R8 P7
  • The North-eastern frontier: a documentary study of the internecine rivalry between India, Tibet, and China / Parshotam Mehra. 2 vols. Delhi: OUP, 1979-1980.
    Storage: DS450 .T5 N67
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