Full text and, in many cases, with illustrations, of over 160 Spanish-language and U.S. Hispanic magazines, newspapers and journals, with a thesaurus and interface designed for Spanish-speaking users. Informe features title annotations in both English and Spanish. The publications come from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, and other nations of Spanish America. Coverage for most publications begins in the mid or late 1990s.
[Please close the window after searching this database, so that others will be able to get access] Full text and, in many cases, with illustrations, of over 160 Spanish-language and U.S. Hispanic magazines, newspapers and journals. There are a thesaurus and interface designed for Spanish-speaking users. !Informe! thinks through every query in Spanish. Informe also features title annotations in both English and Spanish. The publications come from the United States, Mexico, Spain, Argentina, and other nations of Spanish America. Coverage for most publications begins in the mid or late 1990s.
CLASE is a social sciences and humanities database created in 1975 at the Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). It contains more than 200,000 citations to articles, essays, book reviews, statistics and other documents published in over 1,300 Latin American and Caribbean periodicals. "CLASE es una base de datos bibliografica creada en 1975 en la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM). La base de datos se actualiza diariamente y mas de 10,000 registros son agregados cada ano. Ofrece mas de 200,000 registros bibliograficos de articulos, ensayos, resenas de libro, revisiones bibliograficas, notas breves, editoriales, biografias, entrevistas, estadisticas y otros documentos publicados en mas de 1,300 revistas de America Latina y el Caribe, especializadas en ciencias sociales y humanidades."
JSTOR specializes in making available the back issues of journals in a wide variety of humanities and social science disciplines. Issues are available both as images and as text, making searching possible both within each title and across the whole database.
Penn's subscription currently includes all the available collections:
the Arts & Sciences Collection I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and the Complement
the Business II & III Collection
the Biological Sciences Collection
the Health & General Science Collection
the Language and Literature Collection
the Music Collection
the 19th Century British Pamphlets
Access to journals from JSTOR is restricted to current Penn faculty, staff and students.
Printing from the JSTOR database requires downloading a helper application called JPrint.