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HIST 107: Comparative Capitalist Systems: Finding Books

This is a guide to resources relevant for students taking Comparative Capitalist Systems as part of the Huntsman Program or for other reasons.

Using Franklin

Subject Headings

Subject headings are categories--each standing for a particular event, concept, person, etc.--that allow you to do precise Franklin searches. A subject search for capitalism, for example, will bring you to a long list of subjects that start with capitalism. You can browse through this list to find the specific capitalism-related subject that is most relevant to you.

Here are a small selection of representative Franklin subject searches:

Mexico Statistics
Vietnam Economic Conditions
Vietnam Economic Policy
Vietnam History
Vietnam Politics and Government
Capitalism History
Capitalism Nigeria
New Deal
Doi Moi


Keyword Searches

Keyword searches look for search terms anywhere in the record, i.e. the author, subject, title fields, etc. When you find a work of interest, check the full view of the record to see subject headings that can lead to further relevant works.

Try Franklin keyword searches such as:

Vietnam and communism
Vietnam and econom? and poli?

Finding primary resources on comparative capitalist systems using Franklin

The University of Pennsylvania Libary has many books that either are or contain primary resources about economic history.


Other Library Catalogs

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