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Judaica vendors
- Penn Judaic Studies Program Book Dealers Links
- Publishers of Books Related to Jewish Studies - The Dinur Center for Research in Jewish History, Hebrew University
- ABAA - Antiquarian Booksellers' Association of America
- AJBP - Association of Jewish Book Publishers
- AltaMira Press - Focuses on professional research in communal cultural life -- the museum, historical society, arts center, and church
- Anna Olswanger Books | Jewish Book Publishing News
- Bosphorus Books
- Broder's Rare & Used Books -- Judaica Page
- eBookShuk - Jewish-interest books for Computer-assisted Reading and Research
- Eisenbrauns Publisher and Bookdealer - Specializing in the Ancient Near East and Biblical Studies since 1975
- Facsimile Editions Ltd., London, specializing in high quality facsimile production of important illuminated Hebrew manuscripts
- La Giuntina Editrice - Florence, Italy. Foremost source of Judaica in Italian
- Hatikvah Music International
- Henry Hollander, Bookseller - Specializing inJudaica, Antiquarian & Scholarly Books
- Ideal Book Store - A major source of books in the Judaica Subject In Print and Out of Print books
- Israelowitz Publishing - Books on Jewish New York and Catskills.
- Jerusalem Books Ltd. - Specialized in supplying all Israeli books and publications
- John Trotter Books - Searchable index; with large stock of rare and secondhand Judaica from the 16th century to the present
- Libreria Archeologica - offering publications covering prehistoric to medieval times, especially in near east and mediterranean studies.
- The Museum Bookshop, London. New, second-hand and antiquarian books on Archaeology, Egyptology, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies
- Robinson Books - Since 1889; online catalogue of new, rare, and hard-to-find books
- Schechter Books - Responsa, Halakha, and other publications from the Masorti Movement
- Sounds Write Productions, Contemporary Jewish Music with RealAudio samples
- Steimatzky Books USA
- Virtual Geula - "The Source for Virtually every Sefer"
- A. I. Weinberg Book Agency
- Dan Wyman, Books - Specialists in out-of-print Jewish, Radical and Ethnic History