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ABSEES - The American Bibliography of Slavic and East European Studies (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Annotated Bibliography and Guide to Archival Resources on the History of Jewish Women in America - ) Phyllis Holman Weisbard
Annotated Parthia Bibliography ( )
A Basic Bibliography of the Genizah Collection (Taylor-Schechter Geniza Project)
Bibliographic Archives, Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (Hebrew Union College)
BIBLIOGRAPHIE zur Geschichte der Juden in den bvhmischen Ldndern, der Tschechoslowakei bzw. Tschechiens im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert Zusammengestellt von Robert Luft (Collegium Carolinum : Forschungsstelle f|r die bvhmischen Ldnder )
Bibliography of Holocaust Literature , University of Massachusetts at Amherst
Bibliography of Sources on Sexual and Domestic Violence in the Jewish Community
Bibliography of South African Jewry , Veronica Belling (Kaplan Centre for Jewish Studies and Research)
Bibliography of Works Pertaining to the Study of Targum (Alex Jassen and Joe Angel Okeanos)
Bibliography on Jewish Liturgy (University of Calgary)
Bibliography on Word Play in the Hebrew Bible and Other Ancient Near Eastern Literature (Scott B. Noegel, University of Washington)
Dead Sea Scrolls Bibliography from the Orion Center, Hebrew University
First Steps: an Introductory Bibliography in Medieval Jewish History , Compiled by Elka Klein (ORB Online Encyclopedia) - The Society for the Preservation Of Hebrew Books - Out of print Hebrew works by early 20th Century American Rabbis, in PDF format.
Index of Articles on Ladino (Judeo-Spanish) Language (Foundation for the Advancement of Sephardic Studies and Culture )
JACS Bibliography (Jewish Alcoholics, Chemically Dependent Persons, and Significant Others)
Jewish Life and Philosophy on the Continent before 1215: A Bibliography , Compiled by Sharan Newman (ORB Online Encyclopedia)
Jewish Magic Bibliography , Compiled by Alex Jassen, University of Washington
Jewish Music-a select bibliography (Zamir Chorale of Boston)
Jewish Music WebCenter - Bibliography of Biographies
Jews in Medieval England: A Bibliography , Compiled by Christoph Cluse (ORB Online Encyclopedia)
Medieval Jewish Women in History, Literature, Law, and Art: An Annotated Bibliography , Compiled by Cheryl Tallan (ORB Online Encyclopedia)
Midrash Bibliography - Hebrew Union College
Music in the Holocaust-A Select Bibliography (Zamir Chorale of Boston)
Rav-SIG Rabbinic Genealogy Special Interest Group - An indexed bibliography of more than 300 resources for rabbinic genealogical research
The Steinschneider Bibliographical Database - A Digital and Bibliographical Framework for Research into Pre-Modern Hebrew Works in Philosophy, Science, and Belles-Lettres (Charles H. Manekin, Project Director - Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities)