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Reference guides
ABZU - The Research Archives of the Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
Anti-semitism and Judaism, Malte Landwehr
Assyrian Historiography a Source Study , by Albert Ten Eyck Olmstead, (Library Preservation Department, Case Western Reserve University Digital Library)
Business Ethics Library and Resource Center (Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility - Jerusalem College of Technology)
Comprehensive Aramaic Lexicon (Hebrew Union College)
Contemporary Jewish Life in Germany and Poland
The Corpus of Spoken Israeli Hebrew (CoSIH)
Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (UCLA/Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
Da'at - online repertory of articles in Jewish Studies (in Hebrew - searchable)
Dead Sea Scrolls Project , University of Chicago
Dedication to Spinoza's Insights (Joseph B. Yesselman)
Digitization of Jewish Periodicals in the German Language Area (Click here for project description ), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, in co-operation with the Sondersammelgebiet Wissenschaft des Judentums der Stadt- und Universitdtsbibliothek Frankfurt/Main and the Bibliothek Germania Judaica Kvln
"Dust and Ashes": The Funeral and Forgetting of Sabato Morais - Arthur Kiron (American Jewish History 84.3 (1996) 155-188 )
Early Printed Passover Haggadah: a Tale of Four Cities: Prague, Mantua, Venice, Amsterdam (Nannette Stahl, Yale University Library)
Hebrew Printing in Livorno (Marvin J. Heller, Los Muestros )
Judeo-Italian: Description of Medieval Koine (Seth Jerchower)
Judeo-Spanish Press , by Aviva Ben-Ur (Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, ) Routledge, 1997, and American Jewish Historical Society, 1998)
La Ienti de Sion: Linguistic and Cultural Legacy of an Early Thirteenth-Century Judeo-Italian Kinah (Joseph Abraham Levi, University of Iowa; appeared in: Italica 1, Spring (1998): 1-21)
Jewish National and University Library - Ketubbot Collection - David and Fela Shappel Family Digitalization Project
Jewish South African Special Interest Group (JewishGen)
Jews in Iowa: online exhibit
Leghorn: Center of Immigration of the Sefardic Jews to America, 17th century (Mordechai Arbell)
Leuven database of ancient books - Database of information on all ancient literary Greek and Roman texts dating from the fourth century B.C.E. to C.E. 800, and incorporating authors from Homer (8th cent. B.C.E.) to Romanus Melodus (6th cent. C.E.)
Life in Saskatchewan from a Jewish View , by Rebecca Landau , Judaica Librarian, Philadelphia
The "Livornina", Florence, 1593 - Charter of toleration (SCETI )
Mapping the Holocaust - A Digital Project of the US Holocaust Memorial Museum
Medieval Jews and Judaism - A Guide to Online Resources , Edited by Elka Klein (ORB Online Encyclopedia)
Menasseh Ben Israel Project - A Digital Collection at the Bibliotheca Rosenthaliana, University of Amsterdam
Mendele - Forum for Yiddish Literature and Yiddish Language
Okeanos - Website for Biblical, Classical, and Ancient Near Eastern Studies Philological Resources (Scott B. Noegel, University of Washington)
Judith Peixotto (1823-1881), first Jewish principal in the City of New York , by Aviva Ben-Ur (Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, ) Routledge, 1997, and American Jewish Historical Society, 1998)
Nuremberg Project - Nuremberg Trial Documents from the William J. Donovan Collection (Cornell University School of Law Library - Rutgers Journal of Law and Religion)
Palestine Post (1932-1950) - Searchable Database with full edition and article retrieval , Laura Schwarz-Kipp Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities, Tel Aviv University , site dedicated to studies on the Parthian Empire
Rebecca Machado Phillips (1746-1831), Pioneering Leader in Jewish and Secular American Communal Life , by Aviva Ben-Ur (Jewish Women in America: An Historical Encyclopedia, ) Routledge, 1997, and American Jewish Historical Society, 1998)
Princeton Geniza Research Unit
SAHD Project - Semantics of Ancient Hebrew Database (University of Bonn, University of Cambridge, University of Edinburgh, University of Florence, University of Leiden, University of Leuven, University of Oxford, University of Paris, and University of Rome)
Sephardi/Mizrahi Studies Caucus - for the promotion and integration of Sephardi and Mizrahi Studies into general Jewish Studies, both in teaching and in scholarship (Rachel Simon, Princeton University)
Spoken Yiddish Language Project - Columbia University
Studies in Jewish Prayer (Tzvee Zahavy )
Taylor-Schechter Geniza Project , Cambridge University Library
United States: Hebrew manuscripts and incunabula , by William Baker, Founder's Memorial Library, Northern Illinois University
Walter Benjamin Research Syndicate
West Semitic Research Project , University of Southern California School of Religion
Wolf Lewkowicz Collection - Correspondence between a Polish Jew and his nephew in the United States between the years of 1922 and 1939
Yiddish Radio Project: On the Air - history of Yiddish radio