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MGMT 6110 Managing Established Enterprises

Resources for MGMT 6110 projects.

Background, Strategy & Planning

Combine the directions below for searching for a specific company with copy-and-pasting the following search strategy to find articles that discuss a company's strategy:

"corporate profiles" OR "company profiles" OR "business planning" OR "corporate planning" or strateg*

Human Capital Information

Information about a company's culture and HR practices can be found in industry journals, general business magazines and newspapers, which are covered in the resources below. It is generally more difficult to find information for companies headquartered outside the U.S.

Combine the directions below for searching for a specific company with copy-and-pasting the following search strategy to find articles that mention human resource practices or company culture:

"corporate profiles" OR "company profiles" OR "corporate structure" OR organizational OR restructur* OR realign* OR reorg* OR "human capital" OR talent OR culture OR "human resource*" OR workforce OR personnel OR employee OR recruit* OR retention OR hiring OR diversity OR benefits OR rewards OR compensation OR wages OR incentives OR training OR vacations OR dismissal OR resignation OR worker OR labor OR motivation OR "work life"

Financials & Filings

Identifying Competitors

Business Research Librarian

Profile Photo
Marcella Barnhart
Lippincott Library
Van Pelt/Dietrich Library Center
3420 Walnut Street
2nd floor, room 256
Philadelphia, PA 19104


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