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Library services and resources for Penn Museum staff: Equipment and Resources for 3D, Media, and Design Projects


The Museum Library patron computers include licensed software such as Adobe products, ArcGIS, and others. The so-called Lewis Room A311 in the Museum Library is equipped with iMac with large screen and headphone sets for editing audio, video, and image files; in addition to applications such as Unity and Agisoft Metashape Professional (for photogrammetry) that are already installed, you can select other options through the Penn Libraries’ Self Service app, including InqScribe (for transcription), iMovie, Adobe Creative Cloud, RStudio, and GoogleEarth Pro. Reserve A311 with the iMac through this link; faculty, students, and staff affiliated with Penn Anthropology and the Penn Museum have priority for the use of this equipment. If you need instruction or expert assistance with special software, the Museum Library staff may or may not be able to assist. If we cannot, we will gently redirect you to the expert staff at the Vitale Digital Media Lab, our colleagues with Research Data and Digital Scholarship, or the Tech Center, all of which are located at the Van Pelt Library (about 1.5 blocks). You can also find great learning videos through the LinkedIn Learning video library, which is free for you through Penn Libraries.

The Fisher Fine Arts Library includes vast collections that are relevant to the work and interests of Penn Museum staff. Circulating materials from Fine Arts Library can be requested for delivery to the Museum Library circulation desk in the same way any other materials at Penn Libraries can be, but be aware that some art publications are not permitted to circulate and must be used only in Fisher Fine Arts. Penn Museum staff may also be interested in the resources at the

The Education Commons is conveniently located in the mezzanine level of Franklin Field, only a short walk from the Penn Museum's Kress entrance. Among the technologies offered through this state-of-the-art facility are:

  • Einscan-SE Desktop 3D Scanner,
  • Silhouette Cameo electronic paper and vinyl cutting machine, and
  • 3D printers. The Holman Biotech Commons also offers 3D printing.

The Vitale Digital Media Lab, located on the first floor of the Van Pelt Library, offers a

If you need a space for media production outside of what the Penn Museum provides, the Hechtman Recording Studio on the 3rd floor of the Van Pelt Library is appropriate for video production or photography, while the Glossberg Recording Room on the 4th floor is available for podcasts, video voice-overs, and other audio recordings.

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