Topic modeling is a type of statistical modeling used to identify topics or themes within a collection of documents. It involves automatically clustering words that tend to co-occur frequently across multiple documents, with the aim of identifying groups of words that represent distinct topics. The ultimate goal is to identify the underlying themes or topics that run through a large corpus of text data.
When considering which analytical method to use for text data, topic modeling can provide perplexing and bursty insights. Topic modeling has numerous applications, including:
1. Document classification: categorizing documents based on their content.
2. Information retrieval: assisting search engines in finding the most relevant documents for a given query.
3. Text summarization: condensing a large piece of writing into a shorter summary.
4. Customer segmentation: grouping customers based on their feedback or reviews.
5. Sentiment analysis: determining whether a large collection of text is positive, negative, or neutral in tone.
6. Exploratory data analysis: discovering hidden patterns and themes in a large corpus of text data.
Here are some examples of research topics and questions for social studies that could potentially benefit from the use of topic modeling:
1. History:
2. Sociology:
3. Political Science:
4. Psychology:
5. Economics:
6. Education:
7. Communication Studies:
Voyant is an online tool for text analysis that can be used for a variety of tasks, including topic modeling. Here is a concise guide on how to do topic modeling with Voyant:
3. Choose the number of topics you want to generate using the slider, ranging from 1 to 200 (default is 25). You can also search for words or part words displayed in the topics using the search box.
4. If necessary, exclude stopwords using the "Options" icon. You can also modify the maximum number of terms per document to use for topic modeling, but be mindful of potential problems with the server and browser depending on the corpus size.
5. Once the topic modeling is complete, Voyant will display the topics and associated words. You can click on a topic to view the documents and words most strongly associated with it.
Discover the interactive topic modeling window in Voyant!
The general process of topic modeling in R and Python includes:
A Deeper Meaning: Topic Modeling in Python
Beginners Guide to Topic Modeling in Python
Topic modelling in Python: Unsupervised machine learning to find tweet topics
* The pyLDAvis package is currently not compatible with scikit-learn >= 1.2.0.
Topic Modeling in Python: Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA)
Structural Topic Modeling with R — Part I