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Penn Vet Metrics: Sample Graphics

About this Guide and Graphics

Use this guide to obtain sample graphics and links that explore research metrics for Penn Vet. 

This page shows graphics depicting research at Penn Vet.  Use the tabs to link to sites with detailed information and instructions on creating your own graphics.  For help with similar graphics illustrating research at Penn Vet, please contact Margy Lindem at the Vet Library,, 215-898-8895.

Comparison with other vet schools' RO1- funding -2015-8 NIH Reporter

Top Veterinary School R01 grants 2015-18.  These graphics are available directly from Reporter as columns, bars or pie charts, by $, # or publications.  Comparative graphs like these must be generated from the Excel spreadsheet downloads.


Penn Vet R01s by year: 2010-2019 - NIH Reporter by $

10 years penn vet ro1s

Penn Vet All NIH-funded research by funding mechanism 2010-2013 - NIH Reporter

NIH Circles

Interactive explorations of grants in different areas of research. Choosing a segment highlights and reveals individual grants on that topic.

nih circles

Penn Vet Topic Map 2013 - NIH Reporter

Note that while NIH Reporter discontinued the Topic Map feature, Topic Maps can be produced using Topic Modeling software on request.

NIH Topic Map Penn Vet R01 Equivalents 2013 - NIH Concept Keyword


Fields in which we publish 2015-9 - Scopus

Shows areas in which Penn vet authors publish (by journal):

journal articles 2015-19



All publication types 2015-19

all document types 2015-19


Altmetric sample

Altmetrics show the nontraditional impact of an article on Twitter, Facebook, blogs, news items, etc.

With whom do we collaborate 2010-3 - Scopus

Affiliations of non-Penn authors on Penn publications, all pubs 2010-13

Affiliations of non-Penn authors (in journals classified as veterinary, agricultural, environment )

Affiliations of non-Penn authors (in journals classified  as other than veterinary, agricultural, environment)

Combination Graphics

Graphics derived from combined sources (e.g. NIH and AAVMC data).

penn vet is more productive per faculty member


RO1 publications by faculty count for top funded schools

This image was generated from Reporter Excel data mapped against AAVMC faculty data

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