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Penn Vet Metrics: Funding

Research Funding - NIH Reporter

Run live reports on funding from NIH Reporter. Use the Data/Visualization feature to see charts, download to powerpoint.



Federal Reporter

NSF Funding

United States Department of Agriculture National Institute of Food and Agriculture NISF

All Federal Grants

Congressionally Directed Medical Research Programs Department of Defense

NIH Reporter Results

When the search is run (for example after clicking on the links on the left), results can be saved in Excel format.  Choose the ALL tab in the Export dialog to add additional details, such as Direct and Indirect Costs and Public Health Significance.

NIH Reporter Account Features

Create an account to

  • Save Search Strategies
  • Set up Alerts that email notifications of new grants, publications and press releases that meet your search criteria.  Set amount thresholds


NIH RePORTER Features and Visualizations

After retrieving project search results from the links on the left, use the tabbed menu for more features.

nih reporter tabbed menu

  • Publications - articles published in the selected years (may be from grants awarded years before)
  • Patents - patents associated with projects matching search criteria (may be old patents from current long-running grants)
  • Clinical Studies - clinical studies that have cited one of the projects in the RePORTER search result
  • Data & Visualize - get graphics and charts (more below)
  • News & More - news items about grants from EurekaAlert and NewsWise - see also separate box for links to these alerts

Use "Data & Visualize"  to display data as graphics and charts.



  • Use the "Summary by" pulldown to choose the display focus, (e.g. Organization = different universities).  Select either Projects (total number of projects) or Project Funding (total dollar amounts).  Optional: limit to top 10 or 20 results.
  • Select the type of Chart (column, bar, pie)
  • Export to PowerPoint is available.



 The Circles feature is an interactive visualization that groups concepts from the project titles, abstracts, and project terms.  Select a term to see related concepts and projects





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